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Page updated Oct 18, 2024

Microsoft Entra ID (SAML)

Microsoft Entra ID can be configured as a SAML provider for use with Amazon Cognito. Integrating Entra ID enables you to sign in with your existing enterprise users, and maintain profiles unique to the Amplify Auth resource for use within your Amplify app. To learn more, visit the Azure documentation for SAML authentication with Microsoft Entra ID.

Note: the following guidance showcases configuration with your personal cloud sandbox. You will need to repeat the configuration steps for branch deployments after confirming functionality against your sandbox.

Start your personal cloud sandbox

To get started, define your auth resource with the appropriate redirect URIs:

import { defineAuth } from "@aws-amplify/backend"
* Define and configure your auth resource
* @see
export const auth = defineAuth({
loginWith: {
email: true,
externalProviders: {
logoutUrls: ["http://localhost:3000/come-back-soon"],
callbackUrls: ["http://localhost:3000/profile"],

Deploy to your personal cloud sandbox with npx ampx sandbox. This will generate a domain you can use to configure your new Entra ID App. After deploying your changes successfully, copy the generated domain value from amplify_outputs.json

"auth": {
"aws_region": "us-east-1",
"user_pool_id": "<your-cognito-user-pool-id>",
"user_pool_client_id": "<your-cognito-user-pool-client-id>",
"identity_pool_id": "<your-cognito-identity-pool-id>",
"mfa_methods": [],
"standard_required_attributes": [
"username_attributes": [
"user_verification_types": [
"mfa_configuration": "OFF",
"password_policy": {
"min_length": 8,
"require_numbers": true,
"require_lowercase": true,
"require_uppercase": true,
"require_symbols": true
"oauth": {
"identity_providers": [],
"redirect_sign_in_uri": [
"redirect_sign_out_uri": [
"response_type": "code",
"scopes": [
"domain": "<some-hash>"
"version": "1"

Set up Microsoft Entra ID

Next, navigate to, select Entra ID. In your default directory, or company's existing directory, under Manage, select Enterprise Applications

Entra ID default directory page highlighting Enterprise Applications

Afterwards, select New application, then select Create your own application. Specify a name for the application and choose Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery (Non-gallery)

Azure portal creating a new enterprise application for Entra ID

Now that you have created the new enterprise application you can begin to configure Single Sign-on with SAML. Select Single sign-on

Entra ID enterprise application highlighting "single sign-on"

Then select SAML

Entra ID enterprise application single sign-on setup highlighting "SAML"

You will be directed to a page to set up single sign-on with SAML, which needs a few pieces of information from your Amplify Auth resource.

Entra ID set up single sign-on page with a form requiring an entity ID and reply URL

In the Basic SAML Configuration step, select Edit and populate with the appropriate values.

Identifier (Entity ID)urn:amazon:cognito:sp:<your-cognito-user-pool-id>
Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL)https://<your-cognito-domain>/saml2/idpresponse
Logout Url (Optional)https://<your-cognito-domain>/saml2/logout

Note: Amazon Cognito redirect URIs for SAML providers follow the convention:


If you are using a custom domain the route remains the same: /saml2/<action>. Learn more about configuring Amazon Cognito with SAML identity providers

Warning: there is a known limitation where upstream sign-out functionality successfully signs out of Entra ID, but fails to redirect back to the user app. This behavior is disabled by default with SAML integrations in Amplify Auth.

Save the configuration and proceed to Step 3's SAML Certificates section. Copy the App Federation Metadata Url

Entra ID set up single sign-on page highlighting the app federation metadata URL

Configure your backend with Entra ID

Now that you've configured your SAML provider with Microsoft Entra ID and copied the App Federation Metadata Url, configure your auth resource with the new SAML provider and paste the URL value into the metadataContent property:

import { defineAuth } from "@aws-amplify/backend"
* Define and configure your auth resource
* @see
export const auth = defineAuth({
loginWith: {
email: true,
externalProviders: {
saml: {
name: "MicrosoftEntraIDSAML",
metadata: {
metadataType: "URL",
metadataContent: "<your-metadata-content-url>",
attributeMapping: {
email: "",
logoutUrls: ["http://localhost:3000/come-back-soon"],
callbackUrls: ["http://localhost:3000/profile"],

User attributes can be found in Step 2's Attributes & Claims section, and are prefixed with a namespace by default. The example above shows mapping the default claim for the SAML user's email address, however additional attributes can be mapped.

Optionally upload the Cognito Signing Certificate

In the AWS Console, navigate to your Cognito User Pool. Select the identity provider, MicrosoftEntraIDSAML, created after configuring Amplify Auth with the Entra ID SAML provider. Select View signing certificate and download as .crt

Amazon Cognito console highlighting "view signing certificate" for SAML provider

Rename the file extension to .cer in order to upload to Azure. On the Single sign-on page, scroll down to Step 3 (SAML Certificates), and under Verification Certificates (optional), select Edit.

Entra ID single sign-on page highlighting "edit" for verification certificates

Select Require verification certificates and upload the certificate.

Entra ID verification certificate upload pane

Save your changes, and now requests to Entra ID from your Cognito User Pool will be verified.

Connect your frontend

Now your users are ready to sign in with Microsoft Entra ID. To sign in with this custom provider, specify the provider name as the name specified in your auth resource definition: MicrosoftEntraIDSAML

import { signInWithRedirect } from "aws-amplify/auth"
provider: { custom: "MicrosoftEntraIDSAML" }