Amplify provides a client library that enables you to interact with backend resources such as Amplify Auth.
To sign a user out of your application use the signOut
import { signOut } from 'aws-amplify/auth';
await signOut();
You can also sign out users from all devices by performing a global sign-out. This will also invalidate all refresh tokens issued to a user. The user's current access and ID tokens will remain valid on other devices until the refresh token expires (access and ID tokens expire one hour after they are issued).
import { signOut } from 'aws-amplify/auth';
await signOut({ global: true });
Practical Example
import { Amplify } from "aws-amplify"import { signOut } from "aws-amplify/auth"import outputs from "../amplify_outputs.json"
export default function App() { async function handleSignOut() { await signOut() }
return ( <button type="button" onClick={handleSignOut}> Sign out </button> )}