Translate language
Set up the backend
If you haven't already done so, run amplify init
inside your project and then amplify add auth
(we recommend selecting the default configuration).
Run amplify add predictions
and select Convert. Then use the following answers:
? What would you like to convert? (Use arrow keys)❯ Convert text into a different language Generate speech audio from text Transcribe text from audio
? Who should have access? Auth and Guest users
Now run amplify push
which will generate your amplifyconfiguration.json
and create resources in the cloud. You can now either add this to your backend or skip and add more features to your app.
Working with the API
Translate text from one source language to a destination language.
import { Predictions } from '@aws-amplify/predictions';
Predictions.convert({ translateText: { source: { text: textToTranslate, // language : "es" // defaults configured on amplifyconfiguration.json }, // targetLanguage: "en" }}).then(result => console.log({ result })).catch(err => console.log({ err }));
To view the complete list of supported languages refer to Supported languages and language codes.