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Page updated Mar 26, 2025

Server-Side Rendering

Use Amplify Categories APIs in Server Side Rendering

Amplify JS v6 provides a set of APIs that can be called on the server side of a full stack Web app built with an SSR-enabled framework. These APIs are required to be called within an isolated server context to avoid cross-request state pollution. An isolated server context contains information that is extracted from the incoming request and used by the API calls, e.g., the Amplify Auth tokens extracted from the request cookie header. To allow Amplify's APIs to retrieve the Auth tokens and further to retrieve credentials for making service calls, you will need to provide tokenProvider and credentialsProvider (details see the following sections).

You will need to use the runWithAmplifyServerContext function (exported from aws-amplify/adapter-core) to create server contexts. It creates a server context based on the cookies sent along with a request to the server. Hence, if the SSR framework you are using provides APIs that allow you to interact with the cookies while receiving a request and sending a response for it, you should be able to use the runWithAmplifyServerContext function to call Amplify categories APIs on the server.

NOTE: You will need to call Amplify.configure() on the client side of your app by setting ssr to true. E.g., Amplify.configure(config, { ssr: true }) so that the requests sent to your server will have Amplify auth tokens in the cookie header.

Make sure you call Amplify.configure as early as possible in your application’s life-cycle. A missing configuration or NoCredentials error is thrown if Amplify.configure has not been called before other Amplify JavaScript APIs. Review the Library Not Configured Troubleshooting guide for possible causes of this issue.

Using the runWithAmplifyServerContext Function

The runWithAmplifyServerContext function requires the following parameters to function:

  1. The Amplify configuration object
  2. A LibraryOptions object with tokenProvider and credentialsProvider properties
  3. A callback function containing your business logic, including calls to Amplify categories APIs

Amplify Configuration Object

You can get the configuration object by passing the config object imported from the amplifyconfiguration.json file to the utility function parseAmplifyConfig (exported from aws-amplify/utils), or you can create an object literal that conforms to the ResourceConfig type (exported from aws-amplify).

The LibraryOptions Object with tokenProvider and credentialsProvider Properties

We have mentioned above that Amplify categories APIs will rely on the tokenProvider and credentialsProvider to retrieve Auth tokens and credentials. Therefore, you will need to create and configure the providers using cookies, following the below steps.

1. Create a key-value storage that operates on top of the cookie APIs provided by the framework.

You can create the storage object by using the utility function createKeyValueStorageFromCookieStorageAdapter exported from aws-amplify/adapter-core.

2. Create a tokenProvider using the key-value storage

You can create a tokenProvider by using the utility function createUserPoolsTokenProvider exported from aws-amplify/adapter-core.

3. Create a credentialsProvider using the key-value storage

You can create a credentialsProvider using the utility function createAWSCredentialsAndIdentityIdProvider exported from aws-amplify/adapter-core.

Callback Function

The callback function that contains your business logic will be called by the function runWithAmplifyServerContext within a context. The callback function will be passed a contextSpec parameter that you can use to call the Amplify categories APIs exported from the aws-amplify/<category>/server subpaths. When the callback function completes, the corresponding server context will be destroyed, and the result returned by the callback function will be returned by the runWithAmplifyServerContext function.

You must not hoist any variables, object references created within the callback function (e.g., the contextSpec parameter), or your business logic to an outer scope, as it may lead to cross-request state pollution.

runWithAmplifyServerContext and Amplify APIs are stateless on the server side. Each call of runWithAmplifyServerContext may cause requesting credentials from Cognito service. Therefore, you should avoid calling runWithAmplifyServerContext in a loop or calling it multiple times in a single request.

NOTE: If you anticipate a large number of concurrent requests to your server that require calls to runWithAmplifyServerContext, which may cause the rate limit exceptions thrown by the Cognito service, you can request to adjust the limit. See Quotas in Amazon Cognito document for details.

Once you prepare the three required parameters you can perform calls of Amplify categories APIs on the server side. For example:

import {
} from 'aws-amplify/adapter-core';
import { parseAmplifyConfig } from 'aws-amplify/utils';
import { getCurrentUser } from 'aws-amplify/auth/server';
import config from './amplifyconfiguration.json';
// Get the Amplify configuration object
const amplifyConfig = parseAmplifyConfig(config);
// Step 1 create the key-value storage
const keyValueStorage = createKeyValueStorageFromCookieStorageAdapter({
get(name) {
const value = ...; // use framework cookie API to get the value by name
// NOTE: When you call `Amplify.configure()` with `{ ssr: true }`,
// the token cookie value strings are encoded. You need to decode
// the value here if the framework cookie API does not decode the value
// strings. For example, you can use `decodeURIComponent(value)`
// to decode the value.
return { name, value };
getAll() {
return [...]; // use framework cookie API to get an array of { name, value }
set(name, value) {
// use framework cookie API to set a cookie
// you should implement this function if you need to update the
// token cookies on the client side from the server side
delete(name) {
// use framework cookies API to delete a cookie
// Step 2 create the `tokenProvider`
const tokenProvider = createUserPoolsTokenProvider(
// Step 3 create the `credentialsProvider`
const credentialsProvider = createAWSCredentialsAndIdentityIdProvider(
// Call Amplify APIs in the callback function
// For example, calling the `getCurrentUser` API on the server side
const welcomeMessage = await runWithAmplifyServerContext(
Auth: { tokenProvider, credentialsProvider }
// The callback function that contains your business logic
async (contextSpec) => {
const { username } = await getCurrentUser(contextSpec);
return `Welcome ${username}!`;

Supported APIs for Server Side Usage

All APIs that support use on the server are exported from the aws-amplify/<category>/server sub paths. You must use these server API variations for any server-side use cases, and you must not use the client API variations in server-side use cases. Using a client-side API in a server context will generate a runtime error.

API (GraphQL)generateClient

More Examples

Amplify JS v6 provides a pre-built adapter for Next.js based on the approach described above. You can explore the source code of the @aws-amplify/adapter-nextjs package to learn more about how to use the Next.js provided cookie APIs to make the runWithAmplifyServerContext function work.

We also provide a getting-started guide to using the runWithAmplifyServerContext function to interact with Amplify categories APIs on the server side of a Nuxt 3 project. See Use Amplify categories APIs from Nuxt 3 for details.