Page updated Apr 17, 2024


If you need functionality in the AWS services used by the Amplify Predictions category that isn't available, we provide an escape hatch so you can get a reference to that service. For example, to get a reference to AWSRekognition:

1guard let predictionsPlugin = try Amplify.Predictions.getPlugin(for: "awsPredictionsPlugin") as? AWSPredictionsPlugin else {
2 print("Unable to cast to AWSPredictionsPlugin")
3 return
6let rekognitionClient = predictionsPlugin.getEscapeHatch(key: .rekognition)
7let request = CreateCollectionInput()
8let output = try await rekognitionClient.createCollection(input: request)

In addition to AWSRekognition, this same pattern can be used to get access to AWSTranslate, AWSPolly, AWSTranscribeStreaming, AWSComprehend, and AWSTextract. For example:

1let translateClient = predictionsPlugin.getEscapeHatch(key: .translate)
2let pollyClient = predictionsPlugin.getEscapeHatch(key: .polly)
3let comprehendClient = predictionsPlugin.getEscapeHatch(key: .comprehend)
4let textractClient = predictionsPlugin.getEscapeHatch(key: .textract)

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