Page updated Nov 14, 2023

Manage user attributes

Fetch the current user's attributes

Invoke the following api to get the list of attributes assigned to the user.

1func fetchAttributes() async {
2 do {
3 let attributes = try await Amplify.Auth.fetchUserAttributes()
4 print("User attributes - \(attributes)")
5 } catch let error as AuthError{
6 print("Fetching user attributes failed with error \(error)")
7 } catch {
8 print("Unexpected error: \(error)")
9 }
1func fetchAttributes() -> AnyCancellable {
2 Amplify.Publisher.create {
3 try await Amplify.Auth.fetchUserAttributes()
4 }.sink {
5 if case let .failure(authError) = $0 {
6 print("Fetch user attributes failed with error \(authError)")
7 }
8 }
9 receiveValue: { attributes in
10 print("User attributes - \(attributes)")
11 }

Update user attribute

Invoke the update api for creating new or updating existing user attributes.

1func updateAttribute() async {
2 do {
3 let updateResult = try await Amplify.Auth.update(
4 userAttribute: AuthUserAttribute(.phoneNumber, value: "+2223334444")
5 )
7 switch updateResult.nextStep {
8 case .confirmAttributeWithCode(let deliveryDetails, let info):
9 print("Confirm the attribute with details send to - \(deliveryDetails) \(String(describing: info))")
10 case .done:
11 print("Update completed")
12 }
13 } catch let error as AuthError {
14 print("Update attribute failed with error \(error)")
15 } catch {
16 print("Unexpected error: \(error)")
17 }
1func updateAttribute() -> AnyCancellable {
2 Amplify.Publisher.create {
3 try await Amplify.Auth.update(
4 userAttribute: AuthUserAttribute(.phoneNumber, value: "+2223334444")
5 )
6 }.sink {
7 if case let .failure(authError) = $0 {
8 print("Update attribute failed with error \(authError)")
9 }
10 }
11 receiveValue: { updateResult in
12 switch updateResult.nextStep {
13 case .confirmAttributeWithCode(let deliveryDetails, let info):
14 print("Confirm the attribute with details send to - \(deliveryDetails) \(info)")
15 case .done:
16 print("Update completed")
17 }
18 }

Verify user attribute

Some attributes require confirmation for the attribute update to complete. If the attribute need to be confirmed, the result of the above api will be CONFIRM_ATTRIBUTE_WITH_CODE. A confirmation code will be sent to the delivery medium mentioned in the delivery details. When the user gets the confirmation code, you can present a UI to the user to enter the code and invoke the confirm attribute api with their input:

1func confirmAttribute() async {
2 do {
3 try await Amplify.Auth.confirm(userAttribute: .email, confirmationCode: "390739")
4 print("Attribute verified")
5 } catch let error as AuthError {
6 print("Update attribute failed with error \(error)")
7 } catch {
8 print("Unexpected error: \(error)")
9 }
1func confirmAttribute() -> AnyCancellable {
2 Amplify.Publisher.create {
3 try await Amplify.Auth.confirm(userAttribute: .email, confirmationCode: "390739")
4 }.sink {
5 if case let .failure(authError) = $0 {
6 print("Update attribute failed with error \(authError)")
7 }
8 }
9 receiveValue: { _ in
10 print("Attribute verified")
11 }

Resend verification code

If the code has expired or the user needs to resend the confirmation code, invoke the resend api as shown below:

1func resendCode() async {
2 do {
3 let deliveryDetails = try await Amplify.Auth.resendConfirmationCode(forUserAttributeKey: .email)
4 print("Resend code send to - \(deliveryDetails)")
5 } catch let error as AuthError {
6 print("Resend code failed with error \(error)")
7 } catch {
8 print("Unexpected error: \(error)")
9 }
1func resendCode() -> AnyCancellable {
2 Amplify.Publisher.create {
3 try await Amplify.Auth.resendConfirmationCode(forUserAttributeKey: .email)
4 }.sink {
5 if case let .failure(authError) = $0 {
6 print("Resend code failed with error \(authError)")
7 }
8 }
9 receiveValue: { deliveryDetails in
10 print("Resend code sent to - \(deliveryDetails)")
11 }