Migration & backwards compatibility
AWS CDK v1 to v2 migration
Lazy loading and custom selection set
Amplify library for Swift now supports custom selection sets through API (GraphQL). Models have extended support for lazy loading 'has one' and 'belongs to' relations. Cross-platform model updates from Amplify Studio and Android can be observed in real time by DataStore apps built with Swift. Amplify swift supports bidirectional 'has one' data modeling use case.
GraphQL Transformer v1 to v2 migration
Override feature enablement migration
Upgrading to Amplify CLI version 7 and above with a project created prior requires a migration to enable the new 'override' capability.
Lambda layer behavior updates
Amplify has updated the way Lambda layer versions are managed with Amplify CLI version 5.0.0.
CLI Auth Signup Changes
Amplify Codegen Models - List and list components nullability
Generating Amplify models with Amplify CLI 5.1.2
Migrate project to another AWS account
Amplify CLI can be used to easily re-create resources in a different AWS account.
GraphQL Transformer @auth identity claim changes
Improved IAM authorization when using GraphQL API CDK construct
This reference documents the behavioral improvements coming to IAM authorization when you deploy your GraphQL API using the Amplify GraphQL CDK construct.