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Page updated Apr 29, 2024

Configure maps

Amplify's geo category enables you to create and manage map resources used to visualize geospatial data in your application.

Note: Please reach out to us for any feedback and/or issues here

Setup a new Map

You can add a new map by running the following command from your project's root folder:

amplify add geo
? Select which capability you want to add:
> Map (visualize the geospatial data)
Location search (search by places, addresses, coordinates)

If you haven't set up the auth category already, the Amplify CLI will guide you to enable the auth category. The auth category is required in your application so that the appropriate permissions to render the map can be given to Authorized and/or Guest users as described below.

Next, set a name for the map:

? Provide a name for the Map:
> StreetsMap

Map Access permissions

Next, configure the access permissions for your Map resource and authorize users to render the map. You can scope permissions based on an individual user's authentication status.

? Who can access this Map?
❯ Authorized users only
Authorized and Guest users

Select Authorized users only if only authenticated users are allowed to render the map.

Select Authorized and Guest users if both authenticated and unauthenticated users are allowed to render the map.

For more information, refer link to location service page.

Map Pricing Plan

The pricing plan for Map will be set to RequestBasedUsage. We advice you to go through the location service pricing along with the location service terms (82.5 section) to learn more about the pricing plan.

Update Map pricing plan to RequestBasedUsage

You can check the pricing plan for your Map from geo/<mapID>/pricingPlan attribute in your project metadata file located at amplify/backend/amplify-meta.json in your project.

"geo": {
"StreetsMap": {
"isDefault": true,
"providerPlugin": "awscloudformation",
"service": "Map",
"mapStyle": "VectorEsriStreets",
"pricingPlan": "MobileAssetManagement",
"accessType": "AuthorizedUsers"

You can check your Amplify CLI version using amplify -v.

Note: If you are using Amplify CLI version 7.6.8 or older and have a Map added to your application with the pricing plan set to MobileAssetTracking or MobileAssetManagement, please follow these instructions to update the pricing plan:

  1. Upgrade the Amplify CLI to version 7.6.9 or later using npm i -g @aws-amplify/cli.
  2. Run amplify update geo and select the Map with Asset based pricing plan. Choose the same configuration for the Map that you already have.
  3. Run amplify push to update the backend resource.

Advanced Settings

You can optionally configure the style and data provider for the map.

Map style & Map data provider

You can pick a style for the map resource. The available map styles along with the data provider of geospatial data are shown. To learn more about each of these map styles, please refer this location service doc.

Note: If your application is tracking or routing assets you use in your business (such as delivery vehicles or employees), you may only use HERE as your geolocation provider. See section 82 of the AWS service terms for more details.

? Specify the map style:
❯ Streets (data provided by Esri)
Berlin (data provided by HERE)
Explore (data provided by HERE)
ExploreTruck (data provided by HERE)
RasterSatellite (data provided by HERE)
HybridSatellite (data provided by HERE)
Topographic (data provided by Esri)
Navigation (data provided by Esri)
LightGrayCanvas (data provided by Esri)
DarkGrayCanvas (data provided by Esri)
Imagery (data provided by Esri)
StandardLight (data provided by OpenStreetMap)

Streets (data provided by Esri) will be the default option that will be used to set Map style, if you do not want to explicitly set this property.

Set a default Map

If you added more than one map via amplify add geo, the map that was added last will be the default. However, you can choose if the current Map should be the default for your application:

? Set this Map as the default? It will be used in Amplify Map API calls if no explicit reference is provided.
> No

Answering No will retain the previously set default.

That's it! You can now render maps in your application. Follow the documentation for working with maps as listed here.