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Page updated Apr 2, 2024

Migrate from v5 to v6

This guide will help you migrate Amplify JavaScript v5's Push Notifications APIs to the new v6's Push Notifications APIs.


With the introduction of v6, JavaScript polyfills and core native modules are a part of the @aws-amplify/react-native package. The necessary dependencies have changed as follows:

Instructions for React Native version 0.72 and below

@aws-amplify/react-native requires a minimum iOS deployment target of 13.0 if you are using react-native version less than or equal to 0.72. Open the Podfile located in the ios directory and update the target value:

- platform :ios, min_ios_version_supported
+ platform :ios, 13.0
  • amazon-cognito-identity-js, @react-native-community/netinfo are no longer required for Push Notifications.
  • react-native-url-polyfill no longer needs to be installed separately.
  • @aws-amplify/react-native is now required.
npm install aws-amplify @aws-amplify/react-native @aws-amplify/rtn-push-notification @react-native-async-storage/async-storage react-native-get-random-values
npm install aws-amplify @aws-amplify/rtn-push-notification amazon-cognito-identity-js @react-native-community/netinfo @react-native-async-storage/async-storage react-native-get-random-values react-native-url-polyfill

Additionally, polyfill imports no longer need to be added to your application's entry point file.

// Example index.js
- import 'react-native-get-random-values';
- import 'react-native-url-polyfill/auto';


The enable API has been renamed to initializePushNotifications in v6 to add clarity to the API's functionality but has otherwise not changed in behavior. This API is exported from the aws-amplify/push-notifications path.

import { Amplify } from 'aws-amplify';
import amplifyconfig from './amplifyconfiguration.json';
import { initializePushNotifications } from 'aws-amplify/push-notifications';
import { Amplify, Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
import awsconfig from './src/aws-exports';

Requesting permissions


The getPermissionStatus API in v6 has not changed in behavior; however, this API is now exported from the aws-amplify/push-notifications path and the statuses returned have been updated as follows:

  • Statuses have been changed from a SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE convention to camelCase.
  • Returned status is now a string instead of a PushNotificationPermissionStatus enumeration.




'shouldRequest' | 'shouldExplainThenRequest' | 'granted' | 'denied'
import { getPermissionStatus } from 'aws-amplify/push-notifications';
const status = await getPermissionStatus();
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const status = await Notifications.Push.getPermissionStatus();


The requestPermissions API in v6 has not changed in behavior; however, it is now exported from the aws-amplify/push-notifications path.

import { requestPermissions } from 'aws-amplify/push-notifications';
const permissions = {
sound: false,
badge: false
const arePermissionsGranted = await requestPermissions(permissions);
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const permissions = {
sound: false,
badge: false
const arePermissionsGranted = await Notifications.Push.requestPermissions(permissions);


The onTokenReceived API in v6 has not changed in behavior; however, it is now exported from the aws-amplify/push-notifications path.

import { onTokenReceived } from 'aws-amplify/push-notifications';
const myTokenReceivedHandler: OnTokenReceivedInput = (token) => {
// Do something with the received token
const listener = onTokenReceived(myTokenReceivedHandler);
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const myTokenReceivedHandler = (token) => {
// Do something with the received token
const listener = Notifications.Push.onTokenReceived(myTokenReceivedHandler);
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed

Interacting with notifications

Interactions with push notifications in v6 have not changed in behavior. You will continue to use the onNotificationReceivedInForeground, onNotificationReceivedInBackground, onNotificationOpened and getLaunchNotification APIs to interact with them. However, these APIs are now exported from the aws-amplify/push-notifications path.


import { onNotificationReceivedInForeground } from 'aws-amplify/push-notifications';
const myNotificationReceivedHandler = (notification) => {
// Respond to the received push notification message in real time
const listener = onNotificationReceivedInForeground(myNotificationReceivedHandler);
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const myNotificationReceivedHandler = (notification) => {
// Respond to the received push notification message in real time
const listener = Notifications.Push.onNotificationReceivedInForeground(
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed


import { onNotificationReceivedInForeground } from 'aws-amplify/push-notifications';
const myNotificationReceivedHandler = (notification) => {
// Process the received push notification message in the background
const listener = onNotificationReceivedInBackground(myNotificationReceivedHandler);
listener.remove(); // Depending on your use case, you may not need to remove this listener
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const myNotificationReceivedHandler = (notification) => {
// Process the received push notification message in the background
const listener = Notifications.Push.onNotificationReceivedInBackground(
listener.remove(); // Depending on your use case, you may not need to remove this listener


import { onNotificationOpened } from 'aws-amplify/push-notifications';
const myNotificationOpenedHandler = (notification) => {
// Take further action with the opened push notification message
const listener = onNotificationOpened(myNotificationOpenedHandler);
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const myNotificationOpenedHandler = (notification) => {
// Take further action with the opened push notification message
const listener = Notifications.Push.onNotificationOpened(
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed


import { getLaunchNotification } from 'aws-amplify/push-notifications';
const launchNotification = await getLaunchNotification();
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const launchNotification = await Notifications.Push.getLaunchNotification();


The identifyUser API in v6 has not changed in behavior; however, it is now exported from the aws-amplify/push-notifications path. Additionally, the input parameters have been updated as follows:

  • Instead of two position positional parameters (corresponding to userId and userInfo), there are now three named parameters: userId, userProfile and options (i.e. a single input object containing these properties).
  • The attributes property previously found under userInfo has been renamed to customProperties and can now be found under userProfile.
  • A new userAttributes property can be found under options.
  • New convenience properties name, email and plan can be found under userProfile. These properties are automatically merged into customProperties.


userId: string;
userInfo: {
attributes?: Record<string, string[]>;
demographic?: {
appVersion?: string;
locale?: string;
make?: string;
model?: string;
modelVersion?: string;
platform?: string;
platformVersion?: string;
timezone?: string;
location?: {
city?: string;
country?: string;
latitude?: number;
longitude?: number;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
metrics?: Record<string, number>;


input: {
userId: string;
userProfile: {
customProperties?: Record<string, string[]>;
demographic?: {
appVersion?: string;
locale?: string;
make?: string;
model?: string;
modelVersion?: string;
platform?: string;
platformVersion?: string;
timezone?: string;
email?: string;
location?: {
city?: string;
country?: string;
latitude?: number;
longitude?: number;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
metrics?: Record<string, number>;
name?: string;
plan?: string;
options?: { userAttributes?: Record<string, string[]>; };
import { identifyUser } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
const identifyUserInput = {
userId: 'user-id',
userProfile: {
email: '',
name: 'User A',
plan: 'Standard'
customProperties: {
hobbies: ['cooking', 'knitting'],
demographic: {
appVersion: '1.0.0',
locale: 'en_US',
make: 'Apple',
model: 'iPhone',
modelVersion: '13',
platform: 'iOS',
platformVersion: '15',
timezone: 'Americas/Los_Angeles'
location: {
city: 'Seattle',
country: 'US',
postalCode: '98121',
region: 'WA',
latitude: 0.0,
longitude: 0.0
metrics: {
logins: 157
await identifyUser(identifyUserInput);
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const { InAppMessaging } = Notifications;
const userId = 'user-id';
const userInfo = {
address: '',
attributes: {
hobbies: ['cooking', 'knitting'],
demographic: {
appVersion: '1.0.0',
locale: 'en_US',
make: 'Apple',
model: 'iPhone',
modelVersion: '13',
platform: 'iOS',
platformVersion: '15',
timezone: 'Americas/Los_Angeles'
location: {
city: 'Seattle',
country: 'US',
postalCode: '98121',
region: 'WA',
latitude: 0.0,
longitude: 0.0
metrics: {
logins: 157
optOut: 'NONE'
await InAppMessaging.identifyUser(userId, userInfo);

Adding app badge count

Getting and updating app badge count in v6 have not changed in behavior. You will continue to use the getBadgeCount, and setBadgeCount APIs. However, these APIs are now exported from the aws-amplify/push-notifications path.


import { getBadgeCount } from 'aws-amplify/push-notifications';
const count = await getBadgeCount();
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const count = await Notifications.Push.getBadgeCount();


import { setBadgeCount } from 'aws-amplify/push-notifications';
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';