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Page updated Apr 29, 2024

Migrate from v5 to v6

This guide will help you migrate Amplify JavaScript v5's In-App Messaging APIs to the new v6's In-App Messaging APIs.


As of v6 of Amplify, In-App Messaging must first be initialized by using the initializeInAppMessaging API exported from the aws-amplify/in-app-messaging path. In a typical application, this step should be performed immediately after Amplify is configured.

import { Amplify } from 'aws-amplify';
import amplifyconfig from './amplifyconfiguration.json';
import { initializeInAppMessaging } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';


The syncMessages API in v6 has not changed in behavior; however, it is now exported from the aws-amplify/in-app-messaging path.

import { syncMessages } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
await syncMessages();
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const { InAppMessaging } = Notifications;
await InAppMessaging.syncMessages();

Displaying messages

The way in-app messages are displayed in v6 has not changed in behavior. You will continue to use the record API from Analytics or the dispatchEvent API from In-App Messaging. However, these APIs are now exported from the aws-amplify/analytics and aws-amplify/in-app-messaging paths, respectively.


import { record } from 'aws-amplify/analytics';
const event = {
name: 'first_event',
attributes: { color: 'red' },
metrics: { quantity: 10 }
import { Analytics } from 'aws-amplify';
const event = {
name: 'first_event',
attributes: { color: 'red' },
metrics: { quantity: 10 }


import { dispatchEvent } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
const event = {
name: 'first_event',
attributes: { color: 'red' },
metrics: { quantity: 10 }
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const { InAppMessaging } = Notifications;
const event = {
name: 'first_event',
attributes: { color: 'red' },
metrics: { quantity: 10 }


The clearMessages API in v6 has not changed in behavior; however, it is now exported from the aws-amplify/in-app-messaging path.

import { clearMessages } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
await clearMessages();
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const { InAppMessaging } = Notifications;
await InAppMessaging.clearMessages();


The identifyUser API in v6 has not changed in behavior; however, it is now exported from the aws-amplify/in-app-messaging path. Additionally, the input parameters have been updated as follows:

  • Instead of two position positional parameters (corresponding to userId and userInfo), there are now three named parameters: userId, userProfile and options (i.e. a single input object containing these properties).
  • The attributes property previously found under userInfo has been renamed to customProperties and can now be found under userProfile.
  • A new userAttributes property can be found under options.
  • New convenience properties name, email and plan can be found under userProfile. These properties are automatically merged into customProperties.


userId: string;
userInfo: {
attributes?: Record<string, string[]>;
demographic?: {
appVersion?: string;
locale?: string;
make?: string;
model?: string;
modelVersion?: string;
platform?: string;
platformVersion?: string;
timezone?: string;
location?: {
city?: string;
country?: string;
latitude?: number;
longitude?: number;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
metrics?: Record<string, number>;


input: {
userId: string;
userProfile: {
customProperties?: Record<string, string[]>;
demographic?: {
appVersion?: string;
locale?: string;
make?: string;
model?: string;
modelVersion?: string;
platform?: string;
platformVersion?: string;
timezone?: string;
email?: string;
location?: {
city?: string;
country?: string;
latitude?: number;
longitude?: number;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
metrics?: Record<string, number>;
name?: string;
plan?: string;
options?: { userAttributes?: Record<string, string[]>; };
import { identifyUser } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
const identifyUserInput = {
userId: 'user-id',
userProfile: {
email: '',
name: 'User A',
plan: 'Standard'
customProperties: {
hobbies: ['cooking', 'knitting'],
demographic: {
appVersion: '1.0.0',
locale: 'en_US',
make: 'Apple',
model: 'iPhone',
modelVersion: '13',
platform: 'iOS',
platformVersion: '15',
timezone: 'Americas/Los_Angeles'
location: {
city: 'Seattle',
country: 'US',
postalCode: '98121',
region: 'WA',
latitude: 0.0,
longitude: 0.0
metrics: {
logins: 157
await identifyUser(identifyUserInput);
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const { InAppMessaging } = Notifications;
const userId = 'user-id';
const userInfo = {
address: '',
attributes: {
hobbies: ['cooking', 'knitting'],
demographic: {
appVersion: '1.0.0',
locale: 'en_US',
make: 'Apple',
model: 'iPhone',
modelVersion: '13',
platform: 'iOS',
platformVersion: '15',
timezone: 'Americas/Los_Angeles'
location: {
city: 'Seattle',
country: 'US',
postalCode: '98121',
region: 'WA',
latitude: 0.0,
longitude: 0.0
metrics: {
logins: 157
optOut: 'NONE'
await InAppMessaging.identifyUser(userId, userInfo);

Responding to interaction events

The ways to respond to your users' interactions with in-app messages in v6 have not changed in behavior. You will continue to use the onMessageReceived, onMessageDisplayed, onMessageDismissed and onMessageActionTaken APIs to respond to interaction events. However, these APIs are now exported from the aws-amplify/in-app-messaging path.


import { onMessageReceived } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
const myMessageReceivedHandler = (message) => {
// Do something with the received message
const listener = onMessageReceived(myMessageReceivedHandler);
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const { InAppMessaging } = Notifications;
const myMessageReceivedHandler = (message) => {
// Do something with the received message
const listener = InAppMessaging.onMessageReceived(myMessageReceivedHandler);
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed


import { onMessageDisplayed } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
const myMessageDisplayedHandler = (message) => {
// Do something with the displayed message
const listener = onMessageDisplayed(myMessageDisplayedHandler);
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const { InAppMessaging } = Notifications;
const myMessageDisplayedHandler = (message) => {
// Do something with the displayed message
const listener = InAppMessaging.onMessageDisplayed(myMessageDisplayedHandler);
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed


import { onMessageDismissed } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
const myMessageDismissedHandler = (message) => {
// Do something with the dismissed message
const listener = onMessageDismissed(myMessageDismissedHandler);
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const { InAppMessaging } = Notifications;
const myMessageDismissedHandler = (message) => {
// Do something with the dismissed message
const listener = InAppMessaging.onMessageDismissed(myMessageDismissedHandler);
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed


import { onMessageActionTaken } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
const myMessageActionTakenHandler = (message) => {
// Do something with the message action was taken against
const listener = onMessageActionTaken(myMessageActionTakenHandler);
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const { InAppMessaging } = Notifications;
const myMessageActionTakenHandler = (message) => {
// Do something with the message action was taken against
const listener = InAppMessaging.onMessageActionTaken(
listener.remove(); // Remember to remove the listener when it is no longer needed


The way to notify any interaction event listeners of your users' interactions with in-app messages in v6 has not changed in behavior. You will continue to use the notifyMessageInteraction API to notify of interaction events. However, this API is now exported from the aws-amplify/in-app-messaging path and the input parameters have been updated as follows:

  • Instead of two position positional parameters (corresponding to message and inAppMessageInteractionEvent), there are now two named parameters: message and type (i.e. a single input object containing these properties).
  • Interaction event types have been changed from a SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE convention to camelCase.
  • The event type now expects a string instead of an InAppMessageInteractionEvent enumeration.


message: InAppMessage;
* InAppMessageInteractionEvent.MESSAGE_RECEIVED_EVENT
* InAppMessageInteractionEvent.MESSAGE_DISPLAYED_EVENT
* InAppMessageInteractionEvent.MESSAGE_DISMISSED_EVENT
* InAppMessageInteractionEvent.MESSAGE_ACTION_TAKEN_EVENT
inAppMessageInteractionEvent: InAppMessageInteractionEvent;


input: {
message: InAppMessage;
type: 'messageReceived' | 'messageDisplayed' | 'messageDismissed' | 'messageActionTaken';
import { notifyMessageInteraction } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
const message = {
// In-app message that you want to record an interaction on
notifyMessageInteraction({ message, type: 'messageDisplayed' });
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
import { InAppMessageInteractionEvent } from '@aws-amplify/notifications';
const { InAppMessaging } = Notifications;
const message = {
// In-app message that you want to record an interaction on


The setConflictHandler API in v6 has not changed in behavior; however, it is now exported from the aws-amplify/in-app-messaging path.

import { setConflictHandler } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
const myConflictHandler = (messages) => {
// Given an array of messages, return a single message
import { Notifications } from 'aws-amplify';
const { InAppMessaging } = Notifications;
const myConflictHandler = (messages) => {
// Given an array of messages, return a single message