Set up Amplify Auth
Amplify uses Amazon Cognito as the main authentication provider. Learn how to handle user registration, authentication, account recovery and other operations.
Accessing credentials
Use AWS Cognito Auth plugin to access auth credentials
Manage credentials
Learn how to customize credential storage.
Enable sign-in
Use AWS Cognito Auth plugin to sign in a user into AWS Cognito User Pool
with custom flow
Use AWS Cognito Auth plugin to sign in a user into AWS Cognito User Pool using user defined custom flow
Enable sign-in with web UI
Use AWS Cognito Auth plugin to register and authenticate a user with a prebuilt web UI
Multi-step sign-in
Use AWS Cognito Auth plugin to complete a multi step authentication flow
Enable guest access
Access services without needing to sign in.
Add social provider sign-in
Learn how to setup social sign-in providers like Facebook, Google, Amazon, or Sign in with Apple.
Enable sign-out
SignOut a user
Manage user attributes
Access and update user attributes
Set up password change and recovery
Set up user password change and recovery for your application.
Manage MFA settings
Learn how to enable multi-factor authentication with Amplify.
Add SMS flows
Using phone numbers for sign-in and verification
Remember a device
You can use the device related features of Amazon Cognito UserPools by enabling the Devices features. Go to your Cognito UserPool, click on Devices in Left Navigation Menu and chose one of User Opt In or Always.
Advanced workflows
Learn more about advanced workflows in the Amplify auth category. This includes subscribing to events, identity pool federation, auth-related Lambda triggers and working with AWS service objects.
Delete user account
Learn how to delete a user account.
Set up admin actions
Learn how to expose administrative actions for your Cognito User Pool to your end user applications.
Set up user group management
Create logical groups in Cognito User Pools and assign permissions to access resources in Amplify categories with the Amplify CLI.
Use an existing Cognito User Pool and Identity Pool
Configure the Amplify CLI to use existing Amazon Cognito User Pool and Identity Pool resources as an authentication and authorization mechanism for other Amplify categories (API, Storage, and more).
Use existing resources without the CLI
Configure the Amplify Libraries to use existing Amazon Cognito resources by referencing them in your configuration.
Override Amplify-generated Cognito resources
The 'amplify override auth' command generates a developer-configurable 'overrides' TypeScript file that provides Amplify-generated Cognito resources as CDK constructs. For example, developers can set auth settings that are not directly available in the Amplify CLI workflow, such as the number of valid days for a temporary password.
Listen to auth events
Listen to various auth events