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Page updated Mar 3, 2025

Download files

To further customize your in-app experience, you can use the getUrl or downloadData API from the Amplify Library for Storage.

Note: Refer to the Transfer Acceleration documentation to learn how to enable transfer acceleration for storage APIs.

Get or download file from a URL

With the getUrl API, you can get a presigned URL which is valid for 900 seconds or 15 minutes by default. You can use this URL to create a download link for users to click on. The expiresAt property is a Date object that represents the time at which the URL will expire.

When creating a downloadable URL, you can choose to check if the file exists by setting validateObjectExistence to true in S3GetUrlPluginOptions. If the file is inaccessible or does not exist, a StorageException is thrown. This allows you to check if an object exists during generating the presigned URL, which you can then use to download that object. You may also pass in a bucket to target into StorageGetUrlOptions from either the chosen name in the backend or the console name and region. If no bucket is provided, the default bucket defined in the backend will be used. Read more at Configure additional storage buckets

Future<void> getDownloadUrl() async {
try {
final result = await Amplify.Storage.getUrl(
path: const StoragePath.fromString('public/example.txt'),
// targeting a specific bucket by the name defined in the backend
options: StorageGetUrlOptions(
bucket: StorageBucket.fromOutputs('secondBucket'),
safePrint('url: ${result.url}');
} on StorageException catch (e) {

Download to a file

You can download a file to a local directory using Amplify.Storage.downloadFile.

You can use the path_provider package to create a local file in the user's documents directory where you can store the downloaded data.

import 'package:amplify_flutter/amplify_flutter.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
Future<void> downloadFile() async {
final documentsDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final filepath = '${documentsDir.path}/example.txt';
try {
final result = await Amplify.Storage.downloadFile(
path: const StoragePath.fromString('public/example.txt'),
localFile: AWSFile.fromPath(filepath),
safePrint('Downloaded file is located at: ${result.localFile.path}');
} on StorageException catch (e) {

On Web, the download process will be handled by the browser. You can provide the downloaded file name by specifying the path parameter of AWSFile.fromPath. E.g. this instructs the browser to download the file download.txt.

import 'package:amplify_flutter/amplify_flutter.dart';
Future<void> downloadFile() async {
try {
final result = await Amplify.Storage.downloadFile(
path: const StoragePath.fromString('public/example.txt'),
localFile: AWSFile.fromPath('download.txt'),
safePrint('Downloaded file: ${result.downloadedItem.path}');
} on StorageException catch (e) {

Monitor download progress

final operation = Amplify.Storage.downloadData(
path: const StoragePath.fromString('public/example.txt'),
onProgress: (progress) {
safePrint('fraction totalBytes: ${progress.totalBytes}');
safePrint('fraction transferredBytes: ${progress.transferredBytes}');
safePrint('fraction completed: ${progress.fractionCompleted}');

Pause, resume, and cancel downloads

Future<void> upload() async {
final operation = Amplify.Storage.downloadFile(
localFile: AWSFile.fromPath('/path/to/local/file'),
path: const StoragePath.fromString('public/example.txt'),
// pause operation
await operation.pause();
// resume operation
await operation.resume();
// cancel operation
await operation.cancel();

API to download data in memory

You can download a file to in-memory buffer with Amplify.Storage.downloadData:

Future<void> download() async {
try {
final result = await Amplify.Storage.downloadData(
path: const StoragePath.fromString('public/example.txt'),
safePrint('Downloaded data: ${result.bytes}');
} on StorageException catch (e) {

More download options

bucketStorageBucketThe target bucket from the assigned name in the Amplify Backend or from the bucket name and region in the console

Defaults to the default bucket and region from the Amplify configuration if this option is not provided.

Read more at Configure additional storage buckets
getPropertiesbooleanWhether to retrieve properties for the downloaded object using theAmplify.Storage.getProperties() after the operation completes. When set to true the returned item will contain additional info such as metadata and content type.
useAccelerateEndpointbooleanWhether to use accelerate endpoint.

Read more at Transfer Acceleration
bytesRangeS3DataBytesRangeThe byte range to download from the object

Example of downloadFile with options

final operation = Amplify.Storage.downloadFile(
path: const StoragePath.fromString('public/example.txt'),
localFile: AWSFile.fromPath('/path/to/local/file.txt'),
options: const StorageDownloadFileOptions(
pluginOptions: S3DownloadFilePluginOptions(
getProperties: true,
useAccelerateEndpoint: true,
bucket: StorageBucket.fromOutputs('secondBucket'),

Example of downloadData with options

final operation = Amplify.Storage.downloadData(
path: const StoragePath.fromString('public/example.txt'),
options: StorageDownloadDataOptions(
pluginOptions: S3DownloadDataPluginOptions(
getProperties: true,
useAccelerateEndpoint: true,
bytesRange: S3DataBytesRange(start: 0, end: 100),

You can also perform a downloadData or downloadFile operation to a specific bucket by providing the bucket option. You can pass in a StorageBucket object representing the target bucket from the name defined in the Amplify Backend.

final operation = Amplify.Storage.downloadFile(
path: const StoragePath.fromString('public/example.txt'),
localFile: AWSFile.fromPath('/path/to/local/file.txt'),
options: const StorageDownloadFileOptions(
pluginOptions: S3DownloadFilePluginOptions(
getProperties: true,
useAccelerateEndpoint: true,
bucket: StorageBucket.fromOutputs('secondBucket'),

Alternatively, you can also pass in an object by specifying the bucket name and region from the console.

final operation = Amplify.Storage.downloadData(
path: const StoragePath.fromString('public/example.txt'),
options: StorageDownloadDataOptions(
pluginOptions: S3DownloadDataPluginOptions(
getProperties: true,
useAccelerateEndpoint: true,
bytesRange: S3DataBytesRange(start: 0, end: 100),
bucket: StorageBucket.fromBucketInfo(
bucketName: 'second-bucket-name-from-console',
region: 'us-east-2',