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Page updated Jan 21, 2025

Copy files

Note: You can only copy files up to 5GB in a single operation

You can copy an existing file to a different path within the storage bucket using the copy API.

User who initiates a copy operation should have read permission on the copy source file.

Future<void> copy() async {
try {
final result = await Amplify.Storage.copy(
source: const StoragePath.fromString('album/2024/1.jpg'),
destination: const StoragePath.fromString('shared/2024/1.jpg'),
safePrint('Copied file: ${result.copiedItem.path}');
} on StorageException catch (e) {

Specify a bucket or copy across buckets / regions

You can also perform a copy operation to a specific bucket by providing the CopyBuckets option. This option is an object that takes two StorageBucket parameters, which can be constructed by the specified name in the Amplify Backend, or the bucket name and region from the console.

final mainBucket = StorageBucket.fromOutputs(
final bucket2 = StorageBucket.fromBucketInfo(
bucketName: 'second-bucket-name-from-console',
region: 'us-east-2',
try {
final result = await Amplify.Storage.copy(
source: const StoragePath.fromString('album/2024/1.jpg'),
destination: const StoragePath.fromString('shared/2024/1.jpg'),
options: StorageCopyOptions(
buckets: CopyBuckets(
source: bucket1,
destination: bucket2,
safePrint('Copied file: ${result.copiedItem.path}');
} on StorageException catch (e) {
print('Error: $e');

In order to copy to or from a bucket other than your default, the source and/or destination paths must exist in that bucket

copy options

getPropertiesbooleanWhether to retrieve properties for the copied object using theAmplify.Storage.getProperties() after the operation completes. When set to true the returned item will contain additional info such as metadata and content type.
bucketsCopyBucketsAn object that accepts two StorageBucket parameters. To copy to and from the same bucket, use the CopyBuckets.sameBucket(targetBucket) method, where targetBucket is a StorageBucket. Read more at Configure additional storage buckets

Example of copy with options:

final result = Amplify.Storage.copy(
source: const StoragePath.fromString('album/2024/1.jpg'),
destination: const StoragePath.fromString('shared/2024/1.jpg'),
options: const StorageCopyOptions(
pluginOptions: S3CopyPluginOptions(
getProperties: true,
buckets: CopyBuckets.sameBucket(