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Page updated Jan 14, 2025

Read application data

Query item

Now that you were able to make a mutation, take the id from the created Todo instance and use it to retrieve data.

Future<Todo?> queryItem(Todo queriedTodo) async {
try {
final request = ModelQueries.get(
final response = await Amplify.API.query(request: request).response;
final todo =;
if (todo == null) {
safePrint('errors: ${response.errors}');
return todo;
} on ApiException catch (e) {
safePrint('Query failed: $e');
return null;

List items

You can get the list of items in Amplify.API.query:

Future<List<Todo?>> queryListItems() async {
try {
final request = ModelQueries.list(Todo.classType);
final response = await Amplify.API.query(request: request).response;
final todos =;
if (todos == null) {
safePrint('errors: ${response.errors}');
return const [];
return todos;
} on ApiException catch (e) {
safePrint('Query failed: $e');
return const [];

List subsequent pages of items

For large data sets, you'll need to paginate through the results. After receiving the first page of results, you can check if there is a subsequent page and obtain the next page.

const limit = 100;
Future<List<Todo?>> queryPaginatedListItems() async {
final firstRequest = ModelQueries.list<Todo>(Todo.classType, limit: limit);
final firstResult = await Amplify.API.query(request: firstRequest).response;
final firstPageData =;
// Indicates there are > 100 todos and you can get the request for the next set.
if (firstPageData?.hasNextResult ?? false) {
final secondRequest = firstPageData!.requestForNextResult;
final secondResult =
await Amplify.API.query(request: secondRequest!).response;
return ?? <Todo?>[];
} else {
return firstPageData?.items ?? <Todo?>[];

Query Predicates

Models also support the use of query predicates for comparison. These are accessible from the Model's attributes, for example Blog["attribute"]["operator"].

Supported operators:

  • eq - equal
  • ne - not equal
  • gt - greater than
  • ge - greater than or equal
  • lt - less than
  • le - less than or equal
  • beginsWith - Matches models where the given field begins with the provided value.
  • between - Matches models where the given field is between the provided start and end values.
  • contains - Matches models where the given field contains the provided value.

Basic Equality Operator

Query for equality on a model's attribute.

const blogTitle = 'Test Blog 1';
final queryPredicate = Blog.NAME.eq(blogTitle);
final request = ModelQueries.list<Blog>(
where: queryPredicate,
final response = await Amplify.API.query(request: request).response;
final blogFromResponse =;

Fetch by Parent ID

Get all Posts by parent ID

final blogId =;
final request = ModelQueries.list(
where: Post.BLOG.eq(blogId),
final response = await Amplify.API.query(request: request).response;
final data = ?? <Post?>[];

Less than

Return Posts with a rating less than 5.

const rating = 5;
final request = ModelQueries.list(
final response = await Amplify.API.query(request: request).response;
final data = ?? <Post?>[];