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Page updated Nov 18, 2024

Conversation History

The Amplify AI kit automatically and securely stores conversation history per user so you can easily resume past conversations.

If you are looking for a quick way to get stared with conversation history, this example project has a similar interface to ChatGPT or Claude where users see past conversations in a sidebar they can manage.

When you define a conversation route in your Amplify data schema, the Amplify AI kit turns that into 2 data models: Conversation and Message. The Conversation model functions mostly the same way as other data models defined in your schema. You can list and filter them (because they use owner-based authorization users will only see their conversations) and you can get a specific conversation by ID. Then once you have a conversation instance you can load the messages in it if there are any, send messages to it, and subscribe to the stream events being sent back.

Listing conversations

To list all the conversations a user has you can use the .list() method. It works the same way as any other Amplify data model would. You can optionally pass a limit or nextToken.

const { data: conversations } = await

The updatedAt field gets updated when new messages are sent, so you can use that to see which conversation had the most recent message. Conversations retrieved via .list() are sorted in descending order by updatedAt.


The result of .list() contains a nextToken property. This can be used to retrieve subsequent pages of conversations.

const { data: conversations, nextToken } = await;
// retrieve next page
if (nextToken) {
const { data: nextPageConversations } = await{

Conversations also have name and metadata fields you can use to more easily find and resume past conversations. name is a string and metadata is a JSON object so you can store any extra information you need.

Resuming conversations

You can resume a conversation by calling the .get() method with a conversation ID. Both .create() and .get() return the a conversation instance.

export function Chat({ id }) {
const [
data: { messages }
] = useAIConversation('chat', { id })