If you need functionality in the AWS services used by the Amplify Predictions category that isn't available, we provide an escape hatch so you can get a reference to that service. For example, to get a reference to RekognitionClient
// Obtain reference to the pluginAWSPredictionsPlugin predictionsPlugin = (AWSPredictionsPlugin) Amplify.Predictions.getPlugin("awsPredictionsPlugin");AWSPredictionsEscapeHatch escapeHatch = predictionsPlugin.getEscapeHatch();
// Send a new request to the Rekognition endpoint directly using the clientRekognitionClient client = escapeHatch.getRekognitionClient();CreateCollectionRequest request = CreateCollectionRequest.Companion.invoke((requestBuilder) -> { requestBuilder.setCollectionId("<new-collection-id-here>"); return Unit.INSTANCE;});client.createCollection(request, new Continuation<CreateCollectionResponse>() { @NonNull @Override public CoroutineContext getContext() { return GlobalScope.INSTANCE.getCoroutineContext(); }
@Override public void resumeWith(@NonNull Object resultOrException) { Log.i("MyAmplifyApp", resultOrException.toString()); }});
// Obtain reference to the pluginval plugin = Amplify.Predictions.getPlugin("awsPredictionsPlugin")val escapeHatch = (plugin as AWSPredictionsPlugin).escapeHatch
// Send a new request to the Rekognition endpoint directly using the clientval client = escapeHatch.rekognitionClientval request = CreateCollectionRequest { collectionId = "<new-collection-id-here>"}client.createCollection(request)
In addition to the Amazon Polly APIs, the PollyClient
returned in the escape hatch provides a way to create a presigned URL for a text to speech request. An example of creating a presigned URL is below.
// Obtain reference to the pluginAWSPredictionsPlugin predictionsPlugin = (AWSPredictionsPlugin) Amplify.Predictions.getPlugin("awsPredictionsPlugin");AWSPredictionsEscapeHatch escapeHatch = predictionsPlugin.getEscapeHatch();
// Create a presigned URL to convert text to speech using the clientAmazonPollyPresigningClient client = (AmazonPollyPresigningClient) escapeHatch.getPollyClient();SynthesizeSpeechRequest request = SynthesizeSpeechRequest.Companion.invoke((requestBuilder) -> { requestBuilder.setLanguageCode(LanguageCode.EnUs.INSTANCE); requestBuilder.setText("I like to eat spaghetti"); return Unit.INSTANCE;});
// The presigned URL needs to be created on a worker threadrunOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { URL url = client.getPresignedSynthesizeSpeechUrl(request); }});
// Obtain reference to the pluginval plugin = Amplify.Predictions.getPlugin("awsPredictionsPlugin")val escapeHatch = (plugin as AWSPredictionsPlugin).escapeHatch
// Create a presigned URL to convert text to speech using the clientval client = escapeHatch.pollyClient as AmazonPollyPresigningClientval request = SynthesizeSpeechRequest { languageCode = LanguageCode.EnUs text = "I like to eat spaghetti"}
// The presigned URL needs to be created on a worker threadrunOnUiThread { val url = client.getPresignedSynthesizeSpeechUrl(request)}
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