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Page updated May 2, 2024

Set up in-app messaging

Amplify allows interacting with In-App Messaging APIs, enabling you to send messages to your app users. In-App Messaging is a powerful tool to engage with your users and provide them with relevant information. A campaign is a messaging initiative that engages a specific audience segment. A campaign sends tailored messages according to a schedule that you define. You can use the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) to create a campaign that sends messages through any single channel that is supported by Amazon Pinpoint: Mobile Push, In-App, Email, SMS or Custom channels.

The following is an example utilizing the AWS CDK to create the In-App Messaging resource powered by Amazon Pinpoint. Note: there are no official hand-written (L2) constructs for this service yet.

Note: Campaign start time must be at least 15 minutes in future. In-app messages can only be synced to local device once the campaign becomes active (Status should be "In Progress" in the campaigns screen of the Pinpoint console).

import { defineBackend } from "@aws-amplify/backend";
import { auth } from "./auth/resource";
import { data } from "./data/resource";
import {
} from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-pinpoint";
import { Policy, PolicyStatement } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-iam";
import { Stack } from "aws-cdk-lib/core";
const backend = defineBackend({
// additional resources
const inAppMessagingStack = backend.createStack("inAppMessaging-stack");
// create a Pinpoint app
const pinpoint = new CfnApp(inAppMessagingStack, "Pinpoint", {
name: "myPinpointApp",
// create a segment
const mySegment = new CfnSegment(inAppMessagingStack, "Segment", {
applicationId: pinpoint.ref,
name: "mySegment",
// create a campaign with event and in-app message template
new CfnCampaign(inAppMessagingStack, "Campaign", {
applicationId: pinpoint.ref,
name: "MyCampaign",
segmentId: mySegment.attrSegmentId,
schedule: {
// ensure the start and end time are in the future
startTime: "2024-02-23T14:39:34Z",
endTime: "2024-02-29T14:32:40Z",
frequency: "IN_APP_EVENT",
eventFilter: {
dimensions: {
eventType: {
dimensionType: "INCLUSIVE",
values: ["my_first_event"],
filterType: "ENDPOINT",
messageConfiguration: {
inAppMessage: {
layout: "TOP_BANNER",
content: [
// define the content of the in-app message
bodyConfig: {
alignment: "CENTER",
body: "This is an example in-app message.",
textColor: "#FFFFFF",
backgroundColor: "#000000",
headerConfig: {
alignment: "CENTER",
header: "Welcome!",
textColor: "#FFFFFF",
// optionally, define buttons, images, etc.
//create an IAM policy to allow interacting with Pinpoint in-app messaging
const pinpointPolicy = new Policy(inAppMessagingStack, "PinpointPolicy", {
policyName: "PinpointPolicy",
statements: [
new PolicyStatement({
actions: [
resources: [pinpoint.attrArn + "/*", pinpoint.attrArn],
// apply the policy to the authenticated and unauthenticated roles
// patch the custom Pinpoint resource to the expected output configuration
notifications: {
amazon_pinpoint_app_id: pinpoint.ref,
aws_region: Stack.of(pinpoint).region,
channels: ["IN_APP_MESSAGING"],

Install Amplify Libraries

First, install the aws-amplify library:

npm add aws-amplify

Initialize In-App Messaging

To finish setting up your application with Amplify, you need to configure it using the configure API. Next, to interact with In-App Messaging APIs, you need to first initialize In-App Messaging by calling the initializeInAppMessaging API directly imported from the in-app-messaging sub-path. This is required to be called as early as possible in the app lifecycle.

import { Amplify } from 'aws-amplify';
import { initializeInAppMessaging } from 'aws-amplify/in-app-messaging';
import outputs from '../amplify_outputs.json';

Make sure you call Amplify.configure as early as possible in your application’s life-cycle. A missing configuration or NoCredentials error is thrown if Amplify.configure has not been called before other Amplify JavaScript APIs.


Amazon Pinpoint Construct Library