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Page updated May 2, 2024

Identify text

Note: Make sure to complete the getting started section first, where you will set up the IAM roles with the right policy actions

Working with the API

Detect text in an input image. Input can be sent directly from the browser or an Amazon S3 key from project bucket.

import { Predictions } from '@aws-amplify/predictions';
const response = await Predictions.identify({
text: {
source: {

Identify image stored in Amazon S3

import { Predictions } from '@aws-amplify/predictions';
const response = await Predictions.identify({
text: {
source: {
key: pathToPhoto,

The following options are independent of which source is specified. For demonstration purposes we will reference a file but it can be an S3 Key as well. Predictions.identify({text : {...}}) can detect unstructured text PLAIN, structured text from tables TABLE or text from forms FORM.

Identify plain text

For detecting plain text, you can see the whole detected text, the lines detected, the position of each line of text, and each word.

import { Predictions } from '@aws-amplify/predictions';
const response = await Predictions.identify({
text: {
source: {
format: 'PLAIN'
const {
text: {
fullText, // String
lines, // Array of String ordered from top to bottom
linesDetailed /* Array of objects that contains
text, // String
boundingBox: {
width, // ratio of overall image width
height, // ratio of overall image height
left, // left coordinate as a ratio of overall image width
top // top coordinate as a ratio of overall image height
polygon // Array of { x, y } coordinates as a ratio of overall image width and height
words // Array of objects that contains { text, boundingBox, polygon}
} = response;

Identify structured forms

For detecting structured forms (documents, tables, etc.) from an image, keyValues will return a string of the entity found in the image as well as metadata such as selected checkboxes or the relative location in the image using a boundingBox.

import { Predictions } from '@aws-amplify/predictions';
const response = await Predictions.identify({
text: {
source: {
format: 'FORM'
const {
text: {
// same as PLAIN +
keyValues // Array of { key: string, value: { text: string, selected: boolean}, polygon, boundingBox }
} = response;

For example the below image would return keyValues with "Test" or "Checked" as a key, and true since they are selected. The location of these elements would be returned in the boundingBox value.

A table of key values containing "Test" or "Checked" as keys, with a value of true indicating their selection status. The positions of these elements will be provided within the boundingBox parameter

Identify structured tables

For detecting structured tables from an image

import { Predictions } from '@aws-amplify/predictions';
const response = await Predictions.identify({
text: {
source: {
format: 'TABLE'
const {
text: {
// same as PLAIN +
tables: [
size: { rows, columns },
table // Matrix Array[ Array ] of size rows
// each element of the array contains { text, boundingBox, polygon, selected, rowSpan, columnSpan}
} = response;

For detecting tables and forms on the image just select format "ALL"

import { Predictions } from '@aws-amplify/predictions';
const { text } = await Predictions.identify({
text: {
source: {
format: 'ALL'