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Page updated Apr 29, 2024

Interact with bots

Send messages to bot

You can send a text message to chatbot backend with send() command. The method returns a promise that includes the chatbot response.

import { Interactions } from 'aws-amplify';
let userInput = "I want to reserve a hotel for tonight";
// Provide a bot name and user input
const response = await Interactions.send("BookTrip", userInput);
// Log chatbot response

Display end of chat message

You can use onComplete() method to register a function to catch errors or chatbot confirmations when the session successfully ends.

const handleComplete = function (err, confirmation) {
if (err) {
alert('bot conversation failed');
alert('done: ' + JSON.stringify(confirmation, null, 2));
return 'Trip booked. Thank you! What would you like to do next?';
Interactions.onComplete(botName, handleComplete );