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Page updated Apr 29, 2024

DataStore events

Amplify Flutter v1 is now in Maintenance Mode until April 30th, 2025. This means that we will continue to include updates to ensure compatibility with backend services and security. No new features will be introduced in v1.

Please use the latest version (v2) of Amplify Flutter to get started.

If you are currently using v1, follow these instructions to upgrade to v2.

DataStore periodically publishes state notifications onto Amplify's Hub. You can subscribe to the Hub to gain insight into the internal state of the DataStore. Events are published when:

  • Your device loses or regains network connectivity;
  • Data is synchronized with the Cloud;
  • There are new, pending changes that have not yet been synchronized.

The following DataStore events are defined:


Dispatched when DataStore starts and every time network status changes

HubPayload NetworkStatusEvent contains:

  • active (Bool): true if the DataStore is on a network that can connect the Cloud; false, otherwise


Dispatched when DataStore has finished establishing its subscriptions to all models

HubPayload: N/A


Dispatched when DataStore is about to perform its initial sync queries

HubPayload syncQueriesStartedEvent contains:

  • models ([String]): an array of each model's name


Dispatched once for each model after the model instances have been synced from the cloud

HubPayload modelSyncedEvent contains:

  • modelName (String): the name of the model that was synced
  • isFullSync (Bool): true if the model was synced with a "full" query to retrieve all models
  • isDeltaSync (Bool): true if the model was synced with a "delta" query to retrieve only changes since the last sync
  • added (Int): the number of new model instances added to the local store
  • updated (Int): the number of existing model instances updated in the local store
  • deleted (Int): the number of model instances deleted from the local store


Dispatched when all models have been synced from the cloud

HubPayload: N/A


Dispatched when DataStore as a whole is ready, at this point all data is available

HubPayload: N/A


Dispatched when a local change has been newly staged for synchronization with the Cloud

HubPayload outboxMutationEvent contains:

  • modelName (String): the name of the model that is awaiting publication to the Cloud
  • element:
    • model (Model): the model instance that will be published


Dispatched when a local change has finished synchronization with the Cloud and is updated locally

HubPayload outboxMutationEvent contains:

  • modelName (String): the name of the model that has finished processing
  • element:
    • model (Model): the model instance that is processed
    • _version (Int): version of the model instance
    • _lastChangedAt (Int): last change time of model instance (unix time)
    • _deleted (Bool): true if the model instance has been deleted in Cloud


Dispatched when:

  • the DataStore starts
  • each time a local mutation is enqueued into the outbox
  • each time a local mutation is finished processing

HubPayload OutboxStatusEvent contains:

  • isEmpty (Bool): a boolean value indicating that there are no local changes still pending upload to the Cloud


To see if the network status is active, you could set up the following listener:

void main() {
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
late StreamSubscription<DataStoreHubEvent> hubSubscription;
// Initialize a boolean indicating if the network is up
bool networkIsUp = false;
// Initialize the libraries
void observeEvents() {
hubSubscription = Amplify.Hub.listen(HubChannel.DataStore, (hubEvent) {
if (hubEvent.eventName == 'networkStatus') {
final status = hubEvent.payload as NetworkStatusEvent?;
setState(() {
networkIsUp = status?.active ?? false;
// Build function and UI elements
void dispose() {

Setup your Hub Listener or Subscriber before calling Amplify.configure() to avoid missing some DataStore events.