Amplify has re-imagined the way frontend developers build fullstack applications. Develop and deploy without the hassle.

Page updated Feb 21, 2024

Accessing credentials

Amplify Flutter v0 is now in Maintenance Mode until July 19th, 2024. This means that we will continue to include updates to ensure compatibility with backend services and security. No new features will be introduced in v0.

Please use the latest version (v1) of Amplify Flutter to get started.

If you are currently using v0, follow these instructions to upgrade to v1.

An intentional decision with Amplify Auth was to avoid any public methods exposing credentials or manipulating them.

With Auth, you simply sign in and it handles everything else needed to keep the credentials up to date and vend them to the other categories.

However, if you need to access them in relation to working with an API outside Amplify or want access to AWS specific identifying information (e.g. IdentityId), you can access these implementation details by casting the result of fetchAuthSession as follows:

1Future<void> fetchAuthSession() async {
2 try {
3 final result = await Amplify.Auth.fetchAuthSession(
4 options: CognitoSessionOptions(getAWSCredentials: true),
5 );
6 String identityId = (result as CognitoAuthSession).identityId!;
7 safePrint('identityId: $identityId');
8 } on AuthException catch (e) {
9 safePrint(e.message);
10 }

If the getAWSCredentials option is true, the result will contain AWS credentials and tokens. If it is set to false, the result will contain a simple isSignedIn flag.

Setting a timeout for fetchAuthSession

On spotty networks, the fetchAuthSession call can take upwards of a minute to either complete or fail due to internal retries. If this is too long, consider adding a custom timeout using the timeout function as shown in the below example.

1Future<void> fetchAuthSessionWithTimeout() async {
2 try {
3 final result = await Amplify.Auth.fetchAuthSession().timeout(
4 const Duration(seconds: 5),
5 );
6 final identityId = (result as CognitoAuthSession).identityId!;
7 safePrint('identityId: $identityId');
8 } on Exception catch (e) {
9 safePrint('Something went wrong while fetching the session: $e');
10 }