Amplify has re-imagined the way frontend developers build fullstack applications. Develop and deploy without the hassle.

Page updated Jun 4, 2024

Use existing Cognito resources

Amplify Auth can be configured to use an existing Amazon Cognito user pool and identity pool. If you are in a team setting or part of a company that has previously created auth resources, you have a few different options to configure your application to use existing auth resources.

If you are using Amplify to build your backend, it is recommended to add a reference to your auth resource using backend.addOutput.

If you do not use Amplify to build your backend, you can configure the client library directly.

Note: when using existing auth resources, it may be necessary to add policies or permissions for your authenticated and unauthenticated IAM roles. These changes must be performed manually using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK)

Use auth resources with an Amplify backend

The easiest way to get started with your existing resource is to use backend.addOutput to surface auth configuration to amplify_outputs.json automatically. In it's simplest form:

import { defineBackend } from "@aws-amplify/backend"
* @see to add storage, functions, and more
const backend = defineBackend({})
auth: {
aws_region: "<your-cognito-aws-region>",
user_pool_id: "<your-cognito-user-pool-id>",
user_pool_client_id: "<your-cognito-user-pool-client-id>",
identity_pool_id: "<your-cognito-identity-pool-id>",
username_attributes: ["email"],
standard_required_attributes: ["email"],
user_verification_types: ["email"],
unauthenticated_identities_enabled: true,
password_policy: {
min_length: 8,
require_lowercase: true,
require_uppercase: true,
require_numbers: true,
require_symbols: true,

Warning: if you are creating an auth resource with defineAuth, you cannot override the default auth configuration automatically surfaced to amplify_outputs.json by Amplify.

You can also use the CDK to dynamically reference existing resources, and use metadata from that resource to set up IAM policies for other resources, or reference as an authorizer for a custom REST API:

import { defineBackend } from "@aws-amplify/backend"
import { UserPool, UserPoolClient } from "aws-cdk-lib/aws-cognito"
* @see to add storage, functions, and more
const backend = defineBackend({})
const authStack = backend.createStack("ExistingAuth")
const userPool = UserPool.fromUserPoolId(
const userPoolClient = UserPoolClient.fromUserPoolClientId(
// Cognito Identity Pools can be referenced directly
const identityPoolId = "<your-cognito-identity-pool-id>"
auth: {
aws_region: authStack.region,
user_pool_id: userPool.userPoolId,
user_pool_client_id: userPoolClient.userPoolClientId,
identity_pool_id: identityPoolId,
// this property configures the Authenticator's sign-up/sign-in views
username_attributes: ["email"],
// this property configures the Authenticator's sign-up/sign-in views
standard_required_attributes: ["email"],
// this property configures the Authenticator confirmation views
user_verification_types: ["email"],
unauthenticated_identities_enabled: true,
// this property configures the validation for the Authenticator's password field
password_policy: {
min_length: 8,
require_lowercase: true,
require_uppercase: true,
require_numbers: true,
require_symbols: true,

Use auth resources without an Amplify backend

Alternatively, you can use existing resources without an Amplify backend.

Configuring the mobile client libraries directly is not supported, however you can manually create amplify_outputs.json with the following schema:

Note: it is strongly recommended to use backend outputs to generate this file for each sandbox or branch deployment

"version": "1",
"auth": {
"aws_region": "<your-cognito-aws-region>",
"user_pool_id": "<your-cognito-user-pool-id>",
"user_pool_client_id": "<your-cognito-user-pool-client-id>",
"identity_pool_id": "<your-cognito-identity-pool-id>",
"username_attributes": ["email"],
"standard_required_attributes": ["email"],
"user_verification_types": ["email"],
"unauthenticated_identities_enabled": true,
"password_policy": {
"min_length": 8,
"require_lowercase": true,
"require_uppercase": true,
"require_numbers": true,
"require_symbols": true

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