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Page updated Aug 29, 2024

Work with location search

Add location search functionality on a map

First, make sure you've provisioned a search index resource and configured your app using the instructions in either Configure Location Search or Use existing Amazon Location Service resources and you have already setup displaying a map in your application.

To add a location search UI component to your AMLMapView, you will add an AMLSearchBar to your View in your desired layout. Upon searching, Geo.Places are converted to MGLPointFeatures using AmplifyMapLibre.createFeatures(places). Lastly assign those converted MGLPointFeatures to mapState.features. Alternatively, you can leverage the AMLMapCompositeView directly, which includes an AMLSearchBar among other pre-configured UI components.

import SwiftUI
import AmplifyMapLibreUI
import AmplifyMapLibreAdapter
import Amplify
struct MyMapView: View {
@StateObject private var mapState = AMLMapViewState()
@State private var searchText = ""
@State private var displayState: AMLSearchBar.DisplayState = .map
var body: some View {
ZStack(alignment: .top) {
AMLMapView(mapState: mapState)
text: $searchText,
displayState: $displayState,
onEditing: { },
onCommit: search,
onCancel: { mapState.features = [] }
private func search() {
let searchArea = Geo.SearchArea.near(
let searchOptions = Geo.SearchForTextOptions(area: searchArea)
Task {
do {
let places = try await searchText, options: searchOptions)
await {
self.mapState.features = AmplifyMapLibre.createFeatures(places)
} catch let error as Geo.Error {
print("Failed to search: \(error)")
} catch {
print("Unexpected error: \(error)")

map view of a area with search bar

Customize Feature Icons

You can customize the feature images displayed on the AMLMapView or AMLMapCompositeView, you can leverage the featureImage() view modifier.

var body: some View {
AMLMapView(mapState: mapState)
.featureImage {
let image = UIImage(
systemName: "",
withConfiguration: UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(
font: .systemFont(ofSize: 22, weight: .medium)
return image

AMLMapView featureImage view modifier

Location-based search capabilities

Amplify Geo enables you to search for locations by text, addresses, or geo-coordinates.

Search for text

The text:) API enables you to search for places or points of interest by free-form text, such as an address, name, city, or region.

do {
let places = try await "coffee shops")
} catch {

You can refine your search by specifying following parameters inside Geo.SearchForTextOptions

  • area
    • .near - to act as the search origination location.
    • .within - to limit the area to search within.
  • countries - to limit the search results to given countries.
  • maxResults - to limit the maximum result set (defaults to 50).
let coordinates = Geo.Coordinates(latitude: 47.62246, longitude: -122.336775)
let options = Geo.SearchForTextOptions(area: .near(coordinates), countries: [.usa, .can], maxResults: 25)
do {
let places = try await "coffee shops", options: options)
} catch let error as Geo.Error {
print("Failed to search: \(error)"
} catch {
print("Unexpected error: \(error)")

Search for coordinates

The coordinates:) API is a reverse Geocoder that takes a coordinate point and returns information about what it finds at that point on the map.

do {
let places = try await coordinates)
} catch let error as Geo.Error {
print("Failed to search: \(error)")
} catch {
print("Unexpected error: \(error)")

You can refine your search by specifying following parameters inside Geo.SearchForCoordinatesOptions

  • maxResults - to limit the maximum result set (defaults to 50)
let options = Geo.SearchForCoordinatesOptions(maxResults: 25)