Set up Amplify Analytics
The Analytics category enables you to collect analytics data for your app. The Analytics category comes with built-in support for Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon Kinesis (Kinesis support is currently only available in the Amplify JavaScript library). The Analytics category uses Amazon Cognito Identity pools to identify users in your app. Cognito allows you to receive data from authenticated and unauthenticated users in your app.
Record events
Learn how to record analytics events using Amplify.
Identify user
Use the Amplify analytics plugin to inform Pinpoint about your users.
Automatically track sessions
The Amplify analytics plugin records when an application opens and closes. This session information can be viewed either from your local computer’s terminal or the AWS Console for Pinpoint.
Enable and disable analytics
Learn how to enable and disable analytics using Amplify.
Use existing AWS resources
Configure the Amplify Libraries to use existing Amazon Pinpoint resources by referencing them in your configuration.
For advanced use cases where Amplify does not provide the functionality, you can retrieve the escape hatch to access the AWS Pinpoint instance.
Data usage policy information
Review the data types gathered by the Amplify library that Apple requires you to disclose in your app's data usage policy when submitting the app to the App Store.
Uninstalling the app
Understand how to handle persistent data on a device when a user uninstalls the app.