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Page updated Apr 29, 2024

Customize your auth rules

Using Amplify GraphQL client

Each AppSync API is set with a default authorization mode.

AWS AppSync also supports multiple authorization modes on a single API enabling you to add additional authorization modes.

In order to use this feature with the Amplify GraphQL Client the API.graphql({...}) function accepts an optional parameter called authMode, its value will be one of the supported auth modes:


This is an example of using AWS_IAM as an authorization mode:

import { API, GraphQLQuery, GRAPHQL_AUTH_MODE } from '@aws-amplify/api';
import * as mutations from './graphql/mutations';
import { CreateTodoMutation } from './API';
// Creating a post is restricted to IAM
const createdTodo = await API.graphql<GraphQLQuery<CreateTodoMutation>>({
query: mutations.createTodo,
variables: { input: todoDetails },
import { API, GRAPHQL_AUTH_MODE } from '@aws-amplify/api';
import * as mutations from './graphql/mutations';
// Creating a post is restricted to IAM
const createdTodo = await API.graphql({
query: mutations.createTodo,
variables: {input: todoDetails},

Previous examples uses graphqlOperation function. That function only creates an object with two attributes query and variables. In order to use authMode you need to pass this object as is mentioned on the previous example.

When using AWS_IAM for public API access, unauthenticated logins must be enabled. To enable unauthenticated logins, run amplify update auth from the command line and choose Walkthrough all the auth configurations.

AWS Lambda

You can implement your own custom API authorization logic using an AWS Lambda function. To add a Lambda as an authorization mode for your AppSync API, go to the Settings section of the AppSync console.

If you are using a Lambda function as an authorization mode with your AppSync API, you will need to pass an authentication token with each API request and will need to manage token refresh in your application.

The following example assumes AWS_LAMBDA is configured as the default authentication type for your API:

// ...
const getAuthToken = () => 'myAuthToken';
const lambdaAuthToken = getAuthToken();
const createdTodo = await API.graphql<GraphQLQuery<CreateTodoMutation>>({
query: mutations.createTodo,
variables: {input: todoDetails},
authToken: lambdaAuthToken
// ...
const getAuthToken = () => 'myAuthToken';
const lambdaAuthToken = getAuthToken();
const createdTodo = await API.graphql({
query: mutations.createTodo,
variables: {input: todoDetails},
authToken: lambdaAuthToken

If you have a different default authentication type and would like to use AWS_LAMBDA with a request:

// ...
import { GRAPHQL_AUTH_MODE } from '@aws-amplify/api';
import { CreateTodoMutation } from './API';
const getAuthToken = () => 'myAuthToken';
const lambdaAuthToken = getAuthToken();
const createdTodo = await API.graphql<GraphQLQuery<CreateTodoMutation>>({
query: mutations.createTodo,
variables: {input: todoDetails},
authToken: lambdaAuthToken
// ...
import { GRAPHQL_AUTH_MODE } from '@aws-amplify/api';
const getAuthToken = () => 'myAuthToken';
const lambdaAuthToken = getAuthToken();
const createdTodo = await API.graphql({
query: mutations.createTodo,
variables: {input: todoDetails},
authToken: lambdaAuthToken