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Configurable parameters

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Much of the behavior of the GraphQL Transform logic is configured by passing arguments to the directives in the GraphQL SDL definition. However, certain other things are configured by passing parameters to the CloudFormation template itself. This provides escape hatches without leaking too many implementation details into the SDL definition. You can pass values to these parameters by adding them to the parameters.json file in the API directory of your amplify project.


Override the name of the generated AppSync API

"AppSyncApiName": "AppSyncAPI"


CreateAPIKey takes value of either 1 or 0.

It gives you the mechanism to rotate the API Key, in scenarios such as to handle API Key expiration.

Follow these two steps when you need to rotate an API Key

  • Delete the existing API key by setting CreateAPIKey to 0 in the amplify/backend/api/<apiName>/parameters.json file and execute amplify push.
  • Create a new API key by setting CreateAPIKey to 1 in the amplify/backend/api/<apiName>/parameters.json file and execute amplify push.

Delete the existing API Key

"CreateAPIKey": 0

Create new API Key

"CreateAPIKey": 1


Resets the API Key to expire 1 week after the next amplify push

"APIKeyExpirationEpoch": 0

Do not create an API key

"APIKeyExpirationEpoch": -1

Set a custom API key expiration date

"APIKeyExpirationEpoch": 1544745428

The value specified is the expiration date in seconds since Epoch


Set the DynamoDB billing mode for the API. One of "PROVISIONED" or "PAY_PER_REQUEST".

"DynamoDBBillingMode": "PAY_PER_REQUEST"


Override the default read IOPS provisioned for each @model table

Only valid if the "DynamoDBBillingMode" is set to "PROVISIONED"

"DynamoDBModelTableReadIOPS": 5


Override the default write IOPS provisioned for each @model table

Only valid if the "DynamoDBBillingMode" is set to "PROVISIONED"

"DynamoDBModelTableWriteIOPS": 5


Enable/disable DynamoDB Point-in-time-Recovery for all model tables

For more information, see

"DynamoDBEnablePointInTimeRecovery": true


Override the name of the AWS Lambda searchable streaming function

"ElasticSearchStreamingFunctionName": "CustomFunctionName"


Override the number of instances launched into the OpenSearch domain created by @searchable

"ElasticSearchInstanceCount": 1


Override the type of instance launched into the OpenSearch domain created by @searchable

"ElasticSearchInstanceType": "t2.small.elasticsearch"


Override the amount of disk space allocated to each instance in the OpenSearch domain created by @searchable

"ElasticSearchEBSVolumeGB": 10


Override the runtime for the streaming lambda function used to stream data from DynamoDB into OpenSearch

"ElasticSearchStreamingLambdaRuntime": "python3.9"

In the event you have a deprecated runtime and are unable to upgrade your installed Amplify CLI to resolve it you may use this

Note: To use the @auth directive, the API must be configured to use Amazon Cognito user pools.

type Task
rules: [
allow: groups
groups: ["Managers"]
operations: [create, update, delete]
{ allow: groups, groups: ["Employees"], operations: [read, list] }
) {
id: ID!
title: String!
description: String
status: String
type PrivateNote @model @auth(rules: [{ allow: owner }]) {
id: ID!
content: String!