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Page updated Feb 21, 2024

Identify user

Amplify Android v1 is deprecated as of June 1st, 2024. No new features or bug fixes will be added. Dependencies may become outdated and potentially introduce compatibility issues.

Please use the latest version (v2) of Amplify Library for Android to get started. Refer to the upgrade guide for instructions on upgrading your application to the latest version.

Amplify libraries should be used for all new cloud connected applications. If you are currently using the AWS Mobile SDK for Android, you can access the documentation here.

This call sends information that you have specified about the user to Amazon Pinpoint. This could be for an unauthenticated or an authenticated user.

In addition, customProperties and userAttributes can also be provided when invoking identifyUser. The Amazon Pinpoint console makes that data available as part of the criteria for segment creation. Attributes passed in via customProperties will appear under Custom Endpoint Attributes, while userAttributes will appear under Custom User Attributes. See the Pinpoint documentation for more information on segment creation.

You can get the current user's ID from the Amplify Auth category as shown below. Be sure you have it added and setup per the Auth category documentation.

If you have asked for location access and received permission, you can also provide that in UserProfile.Location.

UserProfile.Location location = UserProfile.Location.builder()
AnalyticsProperties customProperties = AnalyticsProperties.builder()
.add("property1", "Property value")
AnalyticsProperties userAttributes = AnalyticsProperties.builder()
.add("someUserAttribute", "User attribute value")
AWSPinpointUserProfile profile = AWSPinpointUserProfile.builder()
String userId = Amplify.Auth.getCurrentUser().getUserId();
Amplify.Analytics.identifyUser(userId, profile);
val location = UserProfile.Location.builder()
val customProperties = AnalyticsProperties.builder()
.add("property1", "Property value")
val userAttributes = AnalyticsProperties.builder()
.add("someUserAttribute", "User attribute value")
val profile = AWSPinpointUserProfile.builder()
val userId = Amplify.Auth.getCurrentUser().getUserId();
Amplify.Analytics.identifyUser(userId, profile);
UserProfile.Location location = UserProfile.Location.builder()
AnalyticsProperties customProperties = AnalyticsProperties.builder()
.add("property1", "Property value")
AnalyticsProperties userAttributes = AnalyticsProperties.builder()
.add("someUserAttribute", "User attribute value")
AWSPinpointUserProfile profile = AWSPinpointUserProfile.builder()
String userId = RxAmplify.Auth.getCurrentUser().getUserId();
RxAmplify.Analytics.identifyUser(userId, profile);