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Page updated May 21, 2024

Copy files

Storage.copy method copies an existing file to a different key and returns a {key: 'new S3 Object key'} object upon success.

Storage.copy can copy an object up to 5 GB in a single operation.

To copy a file, you need to provide a source key src and a destination key dest

await Storage.copy(
src: {
key: string,
level?: 'private' | 'protected' | 'public',
identityId?: string, // only required if you are copying a protected file from another user
dest: {
key: string,
level?: 'private' | 'protected' | 'public',
config?: {
track?: boolean, // if true, automatically send Storage Events to Amazon Pinpoint

In addition, you can configure advanced capabilities such as cache control, meta data, and more.

await Storage.copy({ key: 'src' }, { key: 'dest' }, {
cacheControl?: string, // Specifies caching behavior along the request/reply chain
expires?: Date, // The date at which the object is no longer cacheable
metadata?: [key: string]: string, // A map of metadata to store with the object in S3

Copy files within the same access levels

You can copy a file from the specified key to another key within the same File Access Level (Defaults to 'public').

console.log(await Storage.list('copied/')); // []
// Copies 'existing/srcKey' to 'copied/destKey' within the 'public' access level
const copied = await Storage.copy({ key: 'existing/srcKey' }, { key: 'copied/destKey' });
// There should now be a new file with key "copied/destKey"
console.log(await Storage.list('copied/')); // [ { ..., key: 'copied/destKey' } ]
console.log(copied); // { key: 'copied/destKey' }

Copy files across access levels

To copy file across different access levels, you'll need to explicitly provide the source and destination access levels:

console.log(await Storage.list('copied/', { level: 'private' })); // []
// Copies 'existing/srcKey' to 'copied/destKey' from 'public' to 'private'
const copied = await Storage.copy(
{ key: 'existing/srcKey', level: 'public' },
{ key: 'copied/destKey', level: 'private' }
// There should now be a new file with key "copied/destKey" in the 'private' level
console.log(await Storage.list('copied/', { level: 'private' })); // [ { ..., key: 'copied/destKey' } ]
console.log(copied); // { key: 'copied/destKey' }

Copy protected files from another user

You can also copy a protected file from another user by providing their identity id

console.log(await Storage.list('copied/', { level: 'private' })); // []
// Copies 'existing/srcKey' to 'copied/destKey' from 'protected' of another identity ID to 'private' of the current
// authenticated user
const copied = await Storage.copy(
{ key: 'existing/srcKey', level: 'protected', identityId: 'identityId' },
{ key: 'copied/destKey', level: 'private' },
// There should now be a new file with key "copied/destKey"
console.log(await Storage.list('copied/', { level: 'private' })); // [..., key: 'copied/destKey']
console.log(copied); // { key: 'copied/destKey' }

Cross identity ID copying is only allowed if the source object's access level is set to 'protected'.

How to enable encrypted file copy

To utilize Server-Side Encryption with AWS KMS, the following options can be passed in to Storage.copy:

const serverSideEncryption = AES256 | aws:kms;
const SSECustomerAlgorithm = 'string';
const SSECustomerKey = new Buffer('...') || 'string';
const SSECustomerKeyMD5 = 'string';
const SSEKMSKeyId = 'string';
const result = await Storage.copy({ key: 'srcKey' }, { key: 'destKey' }, {