GraphQL transform and Storage
The GraphQL Transform, Amplify CLI, and Amplify Library make it simple to add complex object support with Amazon S3 to an application.
At a minimum the steps to add S3 Object support are as follows:
Create a Amazon S3 bucket to hold files via amplify add storage
Create a user pool in Amazon Cognito User Pools via amplify add auth
Create a GraphQL API via amplify add api
and add the following type definition:
type S3Object { bucket: String! region: String! key: String!}
Reference the S3Object type from some @model
type Picture @model @auth(rules: [{ allow: owner }]) { id: ID! name: String owner: String
# Reference the S3Object type from a field. file: S3Object}
The GraphQL Transform handles creating the relevant input types and will store pointers to S3 objects in Amazon DynamoDB. The AppSync SDKs and Amplify library handle uploading the files to S3 transparently.
Run a mutation with S3 objects from your client app:
mutation ($input: CreatePictureInput!) { createPicture(input: $input) { id name visibility owner createdAt file { region bucket key } }}