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Configure HTTP resolvers

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The @http directive allows you to quickly configure HTTP resolvers within your AWS AppSync API.


directive @http(
method: HttpMethod
url: String!
headers: [HttpHeader]
enum HttpMethod {
input HttpHeader {
key: String
value: String


The @http directive allows you to quickly connect HTTP or HTTPS endpoint to an AppSync API by creating an AWS AppSync HTTP resolver. To connect to an endpoint, add the @http directive to a field in your schema.graphql file. The directive allows you to define URL path parameters, and specify a query string and/or specify a request body. For example, given the definition of a post type,

type Post {
id: ID!
title: String
description: String
views: Int
type Query {
listPosts: Post @http(url: "")

Amplify generates the definition below that sends a request to the url when the listPosts query is used.

type Query {
listPosts: Post

Request Headers

The @http directive generates resolvers that can handle xml and json responses. If an HTTP method is not defined, GET is used by default. You can specify a list of static headers to be passed with the HTTP requests to your backend in your directive definition.

type Query {
listPosts: Post
url: ""
headers: [{ key: "X-Header", value: "X-Header-Value" }]

Path Parameters

You can create dynamic paths by specifying parameters in the directive URL by using the special :<parameter> notation. Your set of parameters can then be specified in the params input object of the query. Note that path parameters are not added to the request body or query string. You can define multiple parameters.

Given the definition

type Query {
getPost: Post @http(url: "")

Amplify generates

type Query {
getPost(params: QueryGetPostParamsInput!): Post
input QueryGetPostParamsInput {
id: String!

You can fetch a specific post by enclosing the id in the params input object.

query post {
getPost(params: { id: "POST_ID" }) {

which will send

GET /posts/POST_ID

Query String

You can send a query string with your request by specifying variables for your query. The query string is supported with all request methods.

Given the definition

type Query {
listPosts(sort: String!, from: String!, limit: Int!): Post
@http(url: "")

Amplify generates

type Query {
listPosts(query: QueryListPostsQueryInput!): Post
input QueryListPostsQueryInput {
sort: String!
from: String!
limit: Int!

You can query for posts using the query input object

query posts {
listPosts(query: { sort: "DESC", from: "last-week", limit: 5 }) {

which sends the following request:

GET /posts?sort=DESC&from=last-week&limit=5

Request Body

The @http directive also allows you to specify the body of a request, which is used for POST, PUT, and PATCH requests. To create a new post, you can define the following.

type Mutation {
addPost(title: String!, description: String!, views: Int): Post
@http(method: POST, url: "")

Amplify generates the addPost query field with the query and body input objects since this type of request also supports a query string. The generated resolver verifies that non-null arguments (e.g.: the title and description) are passed in at least one of the input objects; if not, an error is returned.

type Mutation {
addPost(query: QueryAddPostQueryInput, body: QueryAddPostBodyInput): Post
input QueryAddPostQueryInput {
title: String
description: String
views: Int
input QueryAddPostBodyInput {
title: String
description: String
views: Int

You can add a post by using the body input object:

mutation add {
addPost(body: { title: "new post", description: "fresh content" }) {

which will send

POST /post
title: "new post"
description: "fresh content"

Specifying the environment

The @http directive allows you to use ${env} to reference the current Amplify CLI environment.

type Query {
listPosts: Post @http(url: "${env}/posts")

which, in the DEV environment, will send

GET /DEV/posts

Specifying the region

The @http directive allows you to use ${aws_region} to reference the AWS region of your environment.

type Query {
listPosts: Post @http(url: "${aws_region}/posts")

which, in the us-east-1 region, will send

GET /us-east-1/posts

Combining the different components

You can use a combination of parameters, query, body, headers, and environments in your @http directive definition.

Given the definition

type Post {
id: ID!
title: String
description: String
views: Int
comments: [Comment]
type Comment {
id: ID!
content: String
type Mutation {
title: String!
description: String!
views: Int
withComments: Boolean
): Post
method: PUT
url: "${env}/posts/:id"
headers: [{ key: "X-Header", value: "X-Header-Value" }]

you can update a post with

mutation update {
body: { title: "new title", description: "updated description", views: 100 }
params: { id: "EXISTING_ID" }
query: { withComments: true }
) {
comments {

which, in the DEV environment, will send

PUT /DEV/posts/EXISTING_ID?withComments=true
X-Header: X-Header-Value
title: "new title"
description: "updated description"
views: 100

Advanced cases

In some cases, you may want to send a request based on existing field data. Take a scenario where you have a post and want to fetch comments associated with the post in a single query. Let's use the previous definition of Post and Comment.

type Post {
id: ID!
title: String
description: String
views: Int
comments: [Comment]
type Comment {
id: ID!
content: String

A post can be fetched at /posts/:id and a post's comments at /posts/:id/comments. You can fetch the comments based on the post id with the following updated definition. $ctx.source is a map that contains the resolution of the parent field (Post) and gives access to id.

type Post {
id: ID!
title: String
description: String
views: Int
comments: [Comment]
@http(url: "${}/comments")
type Comment {
id: ID!
content: String
type Query {
getPost: Post @http(url: "")

You can retrieve the comments of a specific post with the following query and selection set.

query post {
getPost(params: { id: "POST_ID" }) {
comments {

Assuming that getPost retrieves a post with the id POST_ID, the comments field is resolved by sending this request to the endpoint

GET /posts/POST_ID/comments

Note that there is no check to ensure that the reference variable (here the post ID) exists. When using this technique, it is recommended to make sure the referenced field is non-null.


The @http transformer will create one HTTP datasource for each identified base URL. For example, if multiple HTTP resolvers are created that interact with the "" endpoint, only a single datasource is created. Each directive generates one resolver. Depending on the definition, the appropriate body, params, and query input types are created. Note that @http transformer does not support calling other AWS services where Signature Version 4 signing process is required.