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The @predictions directive allows you to query an orchestration of AI/ML services such as Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Translate, and/or Amazon Polly.

Note: Support for adding the @predictions directive uses the s3 storage bucket which is configured via the CLI. At the moment this directive works only with objects located within public/.


The supported actions in this directive are included in the definition.

1directive @predictions(actions: [PredictionsActions!]!) on FIELD_DEFINITION
2enum PredictionsActions {
3 identifyText # uses Amazon Rekognition to detect text
4 identifyLabels # uses Amazon Rekognition to detect labels
5 convertTextToSpeech # uses Amazon Polly in a lambda to output a presigned url to synthesized speech
6 translateText # uses Amazon Translate to translate text from source to target language


Given the following schema a query operation is defined which will do the following with the provided image.

  • Identify text from the image
  • Translate the text from that image
  • Synthesize speech from the translated text.
1type Query {
2 speakTranslatedImageText: String
3 @predictions(actions: [identifyText, translateText, convertTextToSpeech])

An example of that query will look like:

1query SpeakTranslatedImageText($input: SpeakTranslatedImageTextInput!) {
2 speakTranslatedImageText(
3 input: {
4 identifyText: { key: "myimage.jpg" }
5 translateText: { sourceLanguage: "en", targetLanguage: "es" }
6 convertTextToSpeech: { voiceID: "Conchita" }
7 }
8 )

A code example of this using the JS Library:

1import React, { useState } from 'react';
2import { Amplify, Storage, API, graphqlOperation } from 'aws-amplify';
3import awsconfig from './aws-exports';
4import { speakTranslatedImageText } from './graphql/queries';
6/* Configure Exports */
9function SpeakTranslatedImage() {
10 const [src, setSrc] = useState('');
11 const [img, setImg] = useState('');
13 function putS3Image(event) {
14 const file =[0];
15 Storage.put(, file)
16 .then(async (result) => {
17 setSrc(await speakTranslatedImageTextOP(result.key));
18 setImg(await Storage.get(result.key));
19 })
20 .catch((err) => console.log(err));
21 }
23 return (
24 <div className="Text">
25 <div>
26 <h3>Upload Image</h3>
27 <input
28 type="file"
29 accept="image/jpeg"
30 onChange={(event) => {
31 putS3Image(event);
32 }}
33 />
34 <br />
35 {img && <img src={img}></img>}
36 {src && (
37 <div>
38 {' '}
39 <audio id="audioPlayback" controls>
40 <source id="audioSource" type="audio/mp3" src={src} />
41 </audio>{' '}
42 </div>
43 )}
44 </div>
45 </div>
46 );
49async function speakTranslatedImageTextOP(key) {
50 const inputObj = {
51 translateText: {
52 sourceLanguage: 'en',
53 targetLanguage: 'es'
54 },
55 identifyText: { key },
56 convertTextToSpeech: { voiceID: 'Conchita' }
57 };
58 const response = await client.graphql(
59 graphqlOperation(speakTranslatedImageText, { input: inputObj })
60 );
61 return;
63function App() {
64 return (
65 <div className="App">
66 <h1>Speak Translated Image</h1>
67 <SpeakTranslatedImage />
68 </div>
69 );
71export default App;

How it works

From example schema above, @predictions will create resources to communicate with Amazon Rekognition, Translate and Polly. For each action the following is created:

  • IAM Policy for each service (e.g. Amazon Rekognition detectText Policy)
  • An AppSync VTL function
  • An AppSync DataSource

Finally a resolver is created for speakTranslatedImageText which is a pipeline resolver composed of AppSync functions which are defined by the action list provided in the directive.


Each of the actions described in the @predictions definition section can be used individually, as well as in a sequence. Sequence of actions supported today are as follows:

  • identifyText -> translateText -> convertTextToSpeech
  • identifyLabels -> translateText -> convertTextToSpeech
  • translateText -> convertTextToSpeech

Action resources