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Page updated Apr 29, 2024

List files

List keys under a specified path, as well as lastModified timestamp.

Public level list

Storage.list('photos/') // for listing ALL files without prefix, pass '' instead
.then(({ results }) => console.log(results))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));

Note the trailing slash / - if you had requested Storage.list('photos') it would also match against files like photos123.jpg alongside photos/123.jpg.

The format of the response will look similar to the below example

results: [
eTag: ""30074401292215403a42b0739f3b5262"",
key: "123.png",
lastModified: "Thu Oct 08 2020 23:59:31 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)",
size: 138256
// ...
hasNextToken: false

Manually created folders will show up as files with a size of 0, but you can also match keys against a regex like file.key.match(/\.[0-9a-z]+$/i) to distinguish files vs folders. Since "folders" are a virtual concept in S3, any file may declare any depth of folder just by having a / in its name. If you need to list all the folders, you'll have to parse them accordingly to get an authoritative list of files and folders:

function processStorageList(response) {
let files = [];
let folders = new Set();
response.results.forEach((res) => {
if (res.size) {
// sometimes files declare a folder with a / within then
let possibleFolder = res.key.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/');
if (possibleFolder) folders.add(possibleFolder);
} else {
return { files, folders };

If you need the files and folders in terms of a nested object instead (for example, to build an explorer UI), you could parse it recursively:

function processStorageList(response) {
const filesystem = {};
const add = (source, target, item) => {
const elements = source.split('/');
const element = elements.shift();
if (!element) return; // blank
target[element] = target[element] || { __data: item }; // element;
if (elements.length) {
target[element] =
typeof target[element] === 'object' ? target[element] : {};
add(elements.join('/'), target[element], item);
response.results.forEach((item) => add(item.key, filesystem, item));
return filesystem;

This places each item's data inside a special __data key.

Protected level list

To list current user's objects:

Storage.list('photos/', { level: 'protected' })
.then(({ results }) => console.log(results))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));

To get other users' objects:

Storage.list('photos/', {
level: 'protected',
identityId: 'xxxxxxx' // the identityId of that user
.then(({ results }) => console.log(results))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));

Private level list

Storage.list('photos/', { level: 'private' })
.then(({ results }) => console.log(results))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));

Access all files

To get a list of all files in your S3 bucket under a specific prefix, you can set pageSize to ALL. The default value of pageSize is 1000.

Storage.list('photos/', { pageSize: 'ALL' })
.then(({ results }) => console.log(result))
.catch((err) => console.log(err));

Paginated file access

If the pageSize is set lower than the total file size, a single Storage.list call only returns a subset of all the files. To list all the files with multiple calls, users can use the hasNextToken and nextToken keys:

const PAGE_SIZE = 20;
let nextToken = undefined;
let hasNextPage = true;
const loadNextPage = async () => {
if (hasNextPage) {
let response = await Storage.list('', {
pageSize: PAGE_SIZE,
nextToken: nextToken
if (response.hasNextToken) {
nextToken = response.nextToken;
} else {
nextToken = undefined;
hasNextPage = false;
// render list items from response.results
Note: The range of pageSize can be from 0 - 1000 or 'ALL'.