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Page updated Apr 29, 2024

Use an existing Cognito User Pool and Identity Pool

Import existing Amazon Cognito resources into your Amplify project. Get started by running amplify import auth command to search for & import an existing Cognito User Pool & Identity Pool in your account.

amplify import auth

The amplify import auth command will:

  • automatically populate your Amplify Library configuration files (aws-exports.js, amplifyconfiguration.json) with your chosen Amazon Cognito resource information
  • provide your designated existing Cognito resource as the authentication & authorization mechanism for all auth-dependent categories (API, Storage and more)
  • enable Lambda functions to access the chosen Cognito resource if you permit it

Make sure to run amplify push to complete the import process and deploy this backend change to the cloud.

This feature is particularly useful if you're trying to:

  • enable Amplify categories (such as API, Storage, and function) for your existing user base;
  • incrementally adopt Amplify for your application stack;
  • independently manage Cognito resources while working with Amplify.

Note: Amplify does not manage the lifecycle of an imported resource.

Import an existing Cognito User Pool

Select the "Cognito User Pool only" option when you've run amplify import auth. In order to successfully import your User Pool, your User Pools require at least one app client with the following conditions:

  • A "Web app client": an app client without a client secret

Run amplify push to complete the import procedure.

For social sign-in, required attributes such as email will need to be both mutable on the User Pool as well as writable on the User Pool Client.

Learn more about mapping social sign-in provider attributes.

Ensure that the hosted UI for an app client has a sign-out URL defined as omitting this may cause the Amplify CLI to not generate the OAuth scopes, redirectSignIn, redirectSignOut and responseType in the aws-exports.js file.

If the Cognito user pool has native and web client defined ensure the clients have matching OAuth properties.

Import an existing Identity Pool

Select the "Cognito User Pool and Identity Pool" option when you've run amplify import auth. In order to successfully import your Identity Pool, it must have both of the User Pool app clients fulfilling these requirements associated as an authentication provider.

Your Identity Pool needs:

  • an Authenticated Role with a trust relationship to your Identity Pool
  • an Unauthenticated Role with a trust relationship to your Identity Pool

These roles are usually automatically configured when you create a new Identity Pool enabling "Unauthenticated" access and have a Cognito User Pool as an authentication provider.

Amplify CLI will update the policies attached to the roles to ensure Amplify categories function correctly. For example, enabling Storage for authenticated & guest users will add private, protected, public, read and upload permissions for the S3 bucket to the unauthenticated & authenticated role.

Run amplify push to complete the import procedure.

Multi-environment support

When you create a new environment through amplify env add, Amplify CLI will assume by default that you're managing your app's Cognito resources outside of an Amplify project. You'll be asked to either import a different Cognito resource or maintain the same Cognito resource for your app's auth category.

If you want to have Amplify manage your auth resources in a new environment, run amplify remove auth to unlink the imported Cognito resource and amplify add auth to create new Amplify-managed auth resources in the new environment.

In order to unlink your existing Cognito resource run amplify remove auth. This will only unlink the Cognito resource referenced from the Amplify project. It will not delete the Cognito resource itself.

Run amplify push to complete the unlink procedure.

Add Environmental Variables to Amplify Console Build

In order to successfully build your application with Amplify Console add the following environmental variables to your build environment:

Environment VariableDescription
AMPLIFY_USERPOOL_IDThe ID for the Amazon Cognito user pool imported for auth
AMPLIFY_WEBCLIENT_IDThe ID for the app client to be used by web applications. The app client must be configured with access to the Amazon Cognito user pool specified by the AMPLIFY_USERPOOL_ID environment variable.
AMPLIFY_NATIVECLIENT_IDThe ID for the app client to be used by native applications. The app client must be configured with access to the Amazon Cognito user pool specified by the AMPLIFY_USERPOOL_ID environment variable.
AMPLIFY_IDENTITYPOOL_IDThe ID for the Amazon Cognito identity pool